HOME CONTRACT FOR (name of Subject)
Begins:(date) Ends: (date) When ______________will vacate the premises at (address) ______________________________ to find a different place to live.
You have had 18 years to learn how to make it on your own. Now it is time to put it into practice. As your parents, we are attempting to eliminate the atmosphere that comes along with using, from entering our home. We see that you are trying, but your kind of trying just does not make thecut. There may be a place for you "to shine" in a way that you cannot do here.
We appreciate your honesty and consistency in telling us exactly where you are in your addiction.
1. There will be a zero tolerance for violating any of the following Provisions that you must follow in order to fulfill this contract. If any of these rules are broken, you must immediately seek a new place to live and vacate the premises within 24 hours. Once you are out, you are out.
2. There will be no substance abuse, or being under the influence of any chemical unless it is medically prescribed.
3. There will be no stealing.
4. There will be no borrowing without consent of the owner.
5. You must comply with all alcohol and drug screens as requested by your parents. Refusal to do so will be interpreted as a positive test result; and you will be asked to leave the premises (as in provision 1).
6. There will be no lying with regard to any provision in this contract. Be prepared to answer all questions truthfully. If we cannot feel comfortable with you in our interactions, you will be asked to leave (as in provision 1).
7. Always let us know where you plan to be when you are out of the house.
8. You must always answer you cell phone when we call you.
9. Curfew will be as per your Conditions of Supervision:
Sunday - Thursday:
Friday, Saturday:
No overnights ever. Adjustments will be considered for your work schedule only. These times will be consistently reviewed, and may be considered for adjustment after each 30 day period throughout the term of the contract. There will be no grace period to account for any excuses to break curfew. Plan activities accordingly; for any violations refer to Provision 1.
10. Take your laundry down to the basement laundry area every Tuesday morning before
11. You must help with chores around the house as requested… i.e. taking out trash, cleaning your bedroom, cleaning bathrooms, etc.
12. There will be no insulting, abusive behaviors or breaking things.
13. Re: PEOPLE, PLACES and THINGS… We do not want you to withdraw from the world. We are not a cult. You need to find different people to "hang out" with, find different places at which to "hang", and find different things to do during your leisure times.
14. Avoid all "using" friends, and those that are known to use illegal substances or commit crimes (i.e. underage drinking). This means the entire __________________________ student body with the obvious exceptions of your siblings and any of their friends that may be in our home.
15. You will not have the use of Facebook until you move out.
16. You will not have the use of X-Box Live until you move out.
17. You must avoid old "using" places:
* Woods.
* Parks - in _________________ and ___________________.
* Elementary Schools and school properties.
* Middle Schools and school properties.
* High Schools and school properties.
* Any secluded areas.
18. You must have a designated activity when you go out. "Chilling", "Joy Riding", "Hiking", "Camping", and "Sitting in Secluded Areas" are not acceptable nor allowed.
19. The onus is on you, (name)___________. There is no debating any of the provisions of this contract. You must sign as is and make no further comments.
20. You must continue with Shores D&A Therapy as per Probation.
We are not sure how you can stay clean on your own. We have not known of anyone who has done this without support, to help fill in gaps. As we have come to learn and live. "Abstinence without change equals relapse".
21. We reserve the right to modify, add, delete any provision of this contract at any time.
22. We reserve the right to require that you vacate the premises at any time prior to (date).
JOB AND SCHOOL: Goals and Conditions
1) At this time, with your current course schedule, you must find legitimate employment where ever you can to total 20 to 24 hours/week. For each week that you are unemployed or under employed, a set of home responsibilities and chores (without pay) will be appropriately assigned to coincide with the required hours. With refusal or resistance to performing any assigned home responsibilities or chores well, you will be asked to leave the premises (as in provision 1).
3) If you are not enrolled in classes at CCAC, under the circumstances, you must maintain the equivalent of full-time employment (40+ hours/wk) and additional part-time employment (up to 20 hours/wk). (Your reward will be your freedom with some measure of financial security when this contract is terminated.)
4) For the coming summer term at CCAC, you will verify your schedule with parents.
5) Based on a review of your summer term course load, you will be required to continue working significant hours as in condition 1 above.
6) If you elect to drop your current course load or to not take classes for the summer term, see condition 2 above.
7) Free-Loading is unacceptable. Now is not the time to "…take a year off to have fun…". You must be applying yourself in a significant capacity toward furthering your education, be it job-training, or working. You will have plenty of time for fun when you are successfully on your own. You can then plan your education, work days and evenings, leisure times and vacation times wisely.
1. You will only drive a vehicle with your parents' permission and will turn over your PA DL at your parents' request.
2. You will share in the expenses of Auto Insurance ($90/mo), vehicle maintenance and fuel and repairs based on use and student status. See the Money Management section for more details.
3. You must keep a daily mileage log…starting and ending mileage must be verified by parents (LJC or BJC initialed).
4. You will not ride in vehicles with those that are on your no contact list, and will not accept a ride with anyone thought to be impaired.
5. Any event that even raises a suspicion with regard to behaviors while privileged with use of a vehicle will result in the immediate loss of that privilege and other sanctions as deemed necessary.
• To develop the discipline to save on your own.
• To get in the habit of saving.
• To understand the reasons/need to save.
• To understand your financial needs and develop a savings plan to meet them.
Use this time living at home as a springboard to a great start for when you live independently. Make saving automatic.
1. Your parents will assist with money management as deemed necessary.
2. Specifically, while living at home under this contract, you must save 90 - 100% of your take-home pay. This is not negotiable. This is your money, but this savings account will not be accessible to you at this time.
3. You will bring home your paycheck rather than take it to the bank. If your employer offers or requires direct deposit, the direct deposit arrangements must have parental approval. You must provide your paystub or a copy for verification.
4. Likewise, for any cash you receive from any other sources, you must save 90-100%. Again, this remains your money.
5. All of your funds will be made accessible to you when you are on your own; either at the completion of this contract or at any time prior to the end of the contract when you vacate the premises.
6. All purchases must be made with the debit card for your FCU checking and savings accounts. You are expected to be responsible with its use.
7. You must provide additional proof (original receipts) of all expenditures. Ask for a receipt if one is not given.
8. You will carry no cash.
9. You must be transparent to us with the moneys that you earn and receive, and your intentions to spend or save money.
10. Spending toward extra-curricular activities, classes, clothing, entertainment, eating out, games, etc. or toward major purchases (car, home furnishings, etc.) must have parental approval.
11. Parents will have access to your bank accounts for verification of compliance.
12. You are responsible to reconcile/balance your online bank accounts weekly.
13. If there is any tampering or unauthorized (by your parents) withdrawal of funds from your savings during the term of this contract, you must immediately seek a new place to live and vacate the premises within 24 hours.
We hope you take the best advantage of your time in our home.
As promised, if you can abide by this contract through
In the meantime, there will be no discussion of prior relapses. If you have questions about independent living, ask (therapist).
(name of subject) Date
(parent) Date
(parent) Date
Witness Date
1 comment:
This contract was drafted last year in antipation of Herman's arrival in our home after 1 year spent in 3 different placements. We realized that relapse was very likely, and despite this, felt we needed to give Herman one last shot at living with us.
At his placement, he told us everything we wanted to hear, but retracted everything 3 hours after arriving at our home.
The goal of this contract was to provide a "crash course" in preparation for living independently, and concurrently protect our family from the atmosphere of using and the chaos it provides.
I tried my best to set up the controls and parameters to keep Herman clean, with the hopes that he would be able to see and live the good things that come from sober living.
Despite my efforts, Herman was unable to stay clean. However,he has a significant savings that Roger has placed in 5 year CDS(in Roger's name)that Herman can take low interest loans against and establish credit.
He also still kept the two jobs we required him to get, and is now working 50 hrs/week.
This all helped in guiding Herman out of the door with some tools and resources. Although we would have loved to see him staying clean and living in our home, we feel comfortable with how this all ended.
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