Quote of the Week

"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Synthetic THC pills - submitted by Jessica
Posted by:Jenn--Monday, January 07, 2013

I wanted to share some new information that I discovered as a result of Herman's latest relapse.  Just when we thought that spice was the only synthetic cannaboid out there, I have come to find out that there is a synthetic THC pill. It is called Marinol and is typically prescribed for nausea and loss of appetite associated with weight loss in patients receiving cancer treatment.  However, it made its way into Herman's drug using formulary, and it could easily be abused by someone you love as well.

What is particularly alarming is that while the average THC potency of domestic marijuana now averages about 10%, these pills are 100% potency. Comments by users say that "the stuff gets you blasted for hours".  If you read the pharmaceutical information, you can overdose. This pill has many psychoactive as well as cardiovascular side effects.  Many (like Herman) foolishly think that since it is a synthetic THC, it will not show up on standard urine screens, but thankfully it does.

You can find more information at www.drugs.com. and search Marinol.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am so very concerned for your children's safety with this stuff out in the community.

Herman showed up tonight to pick up the reminder of his belomgings with his "friends", clearly both were high. The only sober appearing( and we confirmed this) friend was driving the truck.

It seems Herman's progression was from weed and alcohol to pills :namely Marinol and adderal ,that he admits to abusing. But I believe there is more. We found a knife under his mattress yesterday that Roger feels is related to portioning drugs for dealing. Still the knife causes me great concern for our family's safety. It is a good thing that he is no longer living with us.

We both realize we have done all that we could, and it is up to Sam to figure out the rest.

Thank you for all of your support and prayers. We really need it, especially Herman.

I will see you at the Mt Lebanon Meeting



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