Originally Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Sunday, February 25, 2007
Re-posted due to update: see comment #6
This is a letter from jail written by the son of a friend. The letter was written over a year ago to someone he does not know but who is having similar challenges. He is out of jail now and doing well. They have both been gracious enough to share this letter thinking it may help someone else.
The letter is a scanned copy of the original. Click each page to make it bigger then use your web browser screen controls to scroll to read it as needed.

What a POWERFUL letter. I hope it reaches many people... Recovery is all about sharing your experience, strenghth & HOPE. Whatever situation you or your child may be facing, keep in mind there is HOPE. Never give up on anyone, especially a child....
Today, my son is celebrating 10 months of being clean & sober. One day at a time......
Not only a powerful letter but it is so clear and easy to read. I printed it out. Thanks for posting that Ken.
Thanks Ken, for posting that letter my son wrote. I hope he holds his own words to heart as he continues his daily struggles.
Well...i never thought my words would reach the internet..i wrote this a few years back. Since then my life has still been full of ups and downs..but im still here and still free from the chains of drug addiction..and the chains and shackles of the the prison system..still workin and keepin on ..keepin on..thanks for the support
an update to this letter:
My son recently got his 4th DUI. He will be headed back to jail.
As a parent of an adult substance abuser ( he is now 24), I have to remind parents to seek help for their teens, but also to continue to educate themselves and seek support for their own journey.
I too would like to mention POTADA, the local organization for Parents of teen alcohol and drug abusers. http://potada.info
Just an update from the mother of the author of this letter. My son is now a working man and father, husband. Now 28 years old, he has been out of jail/prison and out of trouble for a long time now.
One of the best ways to help him was to stop rescuing him and make him responsible for his own actions. Consequences came hard but the lesson was learned.
Thank you for this passionate letter. Printing & sending to our son in placement. Hoping this letter will touch his heart and mind to embrace his recovery.
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