We had eleven family members in attendance at this meeting. There were so many issues going on for these families that we ended up talking and helping each other for two hours and fifteen minutes before we realized we did not even take our break.
One regular mom quoted Alexander Pope and said hope springs eternal... and this is true.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always To be Blest. - Alexander Pope
We will work through all of this and we will continue to fight the good fight.
Ethyl was there and brought some inspiration. (Read the post about her daughter Lucy who is now in the Navy). I was pleased that our other son, I will call him Frodo, came along to shed some light on how a sibling feels and lives with the fact that their home is in turmoil because of a teenager's addiction with drugs.
At any rate, we took our break when the meeting should have ended and then Rocco and Frodo and I had to go but I heard that several parents stayed on to do some great role playing.
Thanks again to our fearless leaders, Lloyd, Val and Kathie who we enjoy spending our Saturday's with to learn how to be good parents to children who have addictions.
Quote of the Week
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Summary of our April 3rd PSST Meeting
Posted by:Sally--Sunday, April 04, 2010
Posted by:Sally
Sunday, April 04, 2010
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We stayed afterwards and completed a court room role-play. We had enough people left at Noon to have an Attorney, Probation Officer, two parents, and the juvenile. I got to be the Judge on this one but often we have a parent play a Judge. Great drama by all. I think the ending point that the mother was making to the Judge went something like, "Your Honor, I am convinced that my son will not be able to recover from his drug problem if he remains at home and, therefore, I am unwilling at this time to keep him at home. I ask that you send my son to as long a treatment as possible in order to save his life."
Truthfully, it didn't go exactly like that. I didn't take notes. If anyone has notes or can remember any of it- feel free to leave a comment here.
It was a great meeting. I didn't save enough time for role-plays. Sorry but it happens sometimes. I will try harder to keep things moving along at our Wexford Meeting.
Wish I could have stayed for the faux drama instead of visiting Cisco for the real thing!! Although I DID use many of my skills which I learned at PSST with Cisco today.
He is soon to be transitioned from Gateway YES to LIberty Station. Our day ended up well and he is in full acceptance of going to L.S. but we did have drama during our four hour pass. Luckily, I not only had The Beagle with me to help lighten things up, I also had my dear daughter in law, who I will call Fiona. She proved to be very helpful and when I get a chance I will tell the tale. Sally
The meeting was great, and so was the role play afterwards. I am learning so much about being the parent of drug addicts, and how to be a better parent. Drug addiction and alcoholism truly are family problems because the whole family is affected.
I didn't take notes either, but the mother's closing remarks were pretty close to what you quoted, Lloyd. A great role play!
In real life this week, the mother's comments were spoken from the heart and not the prepared statement. The Judge was very wise and saw what was going on. The Judge concluded that the mother's son would end up ruining his life if we didn't do something significant to save it. He is getting the help he needs already in a residential treatment facility.
My new favorite bumper sticker: When Mary Jane moves in, Sanity Moves Out.
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