There is a lot of good information in the PSST Blog archives. Here is some information for parents wondering why they would ever want to get a Juvenile Probation Officer for their teenager. It worked well for our son Cisco and Sally and me, however, you will need to determine if it would help your teen and you. As always, if you are looking for help with your troubled teenager, we invite you to our PSST Meetings to discuss this and other ways to get help for your family and to restore order in your home.
Should I try to get my teenager a Juvenile Probation Officer?
Posted by Lloyd Woodward --May 25, 2009
Sometimes parents in group hear other parents talk about how helpful it was to have a Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) for their teenager. This post will deal with the pros and cons to having a JPO and also cover the process of how Juvenile Court determines which teenagers to supervise. Also, if a parent decides that it would be a good idea to get a JPO to help supervise their teenager, it is not necessarily an easy thing to do.
First, we'll cover the process for getting a JPO and we will follow that with the downside and upside of having one for your teenager. Before you decide whether or not to go down this road make sure to read the downside part too.
To read the entire post click on the title: Should I try to get my teenager a Juvenile Probation Officer?
Quote of the Week
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Should I try to get my teenager a Juvenile Probation Officer?
Posted by:Rocco--Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Posted by:Rocco
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
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A lot of first time parents (like Sally and I did)wonder if charges are filed against my teenager, won't the result be me paying a big fine. We learned that this is not true. DO NOT pay your child's fine. Let them suffer the consequences for their actions, whether it is community service or incarceration.
"But if they are incarcerated they will meet criminals and drug addicts!" you protest. Well as much as we hate to admit it, if they are using drugs and alcohol they are already hanging out with criminals and drug addicts. In addition some of our teens dealing with some depraved individuals and are venturing into some dangerous parts of town.
As we came to learn drug addiction will end in Hospitalization, Incarceration, Death or RECOVERY. We have done all we can to help our son choose recovery. Remember, the longer you wait to act the more serious the consequences will be.
Please come to the next PSST Meeting so we can discuss this with you.
My son is a recovering addict. His drug of choice is heroin. He is now 25 and has done well for the past few years, but has had his moments.
Getting an addiction under control is difficult. The best thing I ever did was pester the police until we finally had something that led to his arrest.
Then I could get that court order for long term treatment and my son got a JPO, Lloyd.
Through the years Lloyd has been invaluable to my son's recovery and I owe him my son's life. Do not protect your kid from the system, embrace it!
What it provides is second to none. It is the greatest support system for us parents and your kid's JPO will be both your anchor and rudder.
The system also has access to the best drug rehabilitation programs you can find, and Lloyd with his manager, guided my son's treatment.
They saved his life.
I no longer refer to Lloyd has my son's JPO, he is our PO and a member of the family, even still years later.
If you really want to help your kid get control of his addiction and live, get him arrested and get him a JPO!
- Lorraine
Having a JPO is good but what do you think your teen will feel about it? I would suggest that you let your teen into activities which can keep them far from doing wrong things. You can make them become active in the community, let them join workshops and competitions or give them time to enjoy the nature through boot camps.
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