Once again, a parent from PSST was named Allegheny County Juvenile Probation Parent of the Year. The award was presented to Daisy on October 6th at the Juvenile Justice Week's Awards Night.
She was nominated by numerous people including her fellow PSST Parents.
She earned the award for continued acts of bravery, excellent command of PSST skills, for showing a lot of growth, for reaching out to other parents and for saving her son's life.
Click on READ MORE to read Daisy's Acceptance Speech.
"Thank you so much for this award.
I would like to thank each and every person that is a part of PSST. Without them, I would not have the strength to stand here today.
I am the single mother of a 16 year old son, who is currently in his third placement, over the past year. His father died of a drug/alcohol overdose when he was five years old.
Up until high school, my son was a straight-A student and a great athlete. His first year of high school, I noticed a drastic change in his behavior. His grades dropped to the point of almost failing. He lost all interest in sports. He became disrespectful, angry, and even violent.
Everyone kept asking me if I thought he was involved in drugs – what else could explain this change in him?
I, of course, did not believe that was possible. After all -- I had been there for him and I had been a good mother. I taught him that drugs were wrong.
His anger escalated to the point that he broke my bedroom door down to where there was not one shred of wood left.
I became terrified of him and he knew it. He was half my size and had gained complete control.
I completely isolated myself from everyone, even my sister, the person I was closest to.I was too ashamed to discuss the situation with anyone. I felt like a failure as a mother and was a prisoner in my own home.
Then one day, a friend, a PSST Parent, invited me to go to a meeting. That was the turning point for me.
Listening to everyone else, all people who seemed like good parents, sharing their stories that were so similar to mine, made me realize that I was not alone in this fight.
I began attending PSST meetings regularly and have gained more strength than I ever thought possible.
I have received so much support and help through the professionals and parents.
Someone gave an example of how, when you are on an airplane, you are told in case of an emergency to put the oxygen mask on yourself first so that you can help others.
I have learned that in order to help my son, I have to first help myself and that is what I have begun to do with the help and support of PSST.
Without PSST and without my faith, I would not have been able to do that.
Because of the changes in me, I am now beginning to see positive changes in my son.
I just want to say in closing that I am so grateful to Val Ketter and Lloyd Woodward of Juvenile Probation and Kathie Tagmyer of Wesley Spectrum for their DEDICATION and for the PASSION they have for our kids.
I am also so grateful to my sister, who has been there for me through it all. And my closest friend, Max, who spent countless hours listening to me cry and always knew just what to say.
Thank you very much."
Congratulations Daisy!
You have come such along way in such a short time.
Your continued strength and faith has saved your son and inspired all of us at PSST!
Wahoo!! You are an inspiration for all of us. Remember, we are always here for you!
Dear Daisy,
Your speech really hit home with me. It is so natural to feel isolated and ashamed when this dilemma comes into our life, however, we now realize that it can easily happen to families who have tried their best to educate their children to stay away from drugs. PSST helps us to stand tall and fight with all we have to save our child's life from this dreadful disease. With our faith and PSST we have a winning combination.
There were also fabulous pictures of PSST members who came out on Wednesday to show their support for you.
YOU make us all so very proud.
A much deserved award! We have watched in awe over the past year as you handled some very difficult situations with strength, courage and humor. Congratulations!!
You are amazing! I remember the first time you came to PSST. You were a mess, like most of us in those early days of searchiong for support to help our children. I have seen such growth, power and strength in you. From the days of violence and drugs in your home to standing up in court to get the help your sone needed. His comment at the time was that you would cry easily in court. But you showed him and stood strong and didn't shed a tear. He was so surprised at the change in you (he thought he had you figured out). But you had changed. Great job Daisy! You have come so far and we are so proud of you. Alice and Ralph
congratulations for this much deserved award. You were so strong giving your speech not one sign of nervousness! Your story is any inspiration to all of us at PSST and now for other parents who were at the awards ceremony. they, too, can now see that they can regain power in their homes, lives and over their children.
I think we started going to PSST around the same time last year ( you were there first) and I have seen the changes in you. You are also warm and welcoming to new parents who come the meetings much as I did back then-like deer in
the headlights wondering what the heck happened!
Take Care and all the best,
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