In Memory of Cisco ~ beloved son of Rocco & Sally
we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity. - Terri
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"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Rocco & Sally, we are so so sorry to hear of Cisco's passing. This is more than anyone should have to endure. You two are the best PSST role models ever. We are praying for you and your family during this sad time.
Cheryl, Jim & Andy
Rocco and Sally,
I was so sorry to hear of the loss of your son, Cisco. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rocco and Sally,
Words cannot express how much you have meant to all of us. Know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of those in our cadre of parents and families whom you have touched at PSST. I am so very sorry for this terrible, tragic loss.
Love, Joan
I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find peace and solace during this most difficult time. With deep sadness and sympathy....David
So sorry to hear about Cisco. You have my deepest sympathy. For all of us this is our worst fear. What a tragic loss. God be with you.
I have imagined your pain so many times...but I know that I can't really imagine it. I haven't been to a psst meeting in a few years now, but I follow the page always. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless. Lisa
Rocco and Sally are extraordinary in their steadfast devotion and commitment to their son, as well as the PSST program and its people, making this loss so tragic for all of us whose lives they have touched.
Rocco & Sally,
The path you journeyed was long and hard, but you never gave up on your son. You shared your story and opened your hearts to the PSST family - all the successes and disappointments along the way. By sharing your strength and wisdom, you helped so many of us as we struggled with our own worries and pain. No matter how much you were hurting, you always had time and encouragement for others.
Our deepest sympathy in this time of sorrow - we pray for God's comfort and healing for your family.
Brad & Jenn
Rocco & Sally; you have been an inspiration to us all for years. I am so very sorry.
This is tragedy right out of every parent's nightmares.
You truly made a heroic effort to avoid this day.
Thanks for being there for all of us; I know that you will continue to be a beacon of light for parents everywhere.
Rocco and Sally,
Words cannot express the sadness I feel for your family. Mel and I have watched you over the past years working overtime to help your son. You did everything a human could possibly do. You were the most devoted parents; this is a cruel and terrible disease. We are thinking of you and praying for you as well.
With love and hugs
Max & Mel
Francois and I have had you both in our thoughts constantly since we heard the news. There are just no adequate words to express our sympathy for what you must be going through. However, we can tell you that we admire both of you and hope you know how much you've helped so many of us at PSST. Sally, you always took the time to ask about our son and you always had something positive to say about Cisco no matter the circumstance. He surely knew how much he was loved.
Rocco and Sally,
You both have been an inspiration to us since the day we walked into our first PSST meeting. We always looked to you for strength and wisdom as we struggled through this maze of addiction. Cisco was blessed to have you as his parents. You have been there for him and so many parents at PSST, and now we want to be there for you. Know that we are thinking of you and your family and that you are in our prayers.
Ralph and Alice
Rocco and Sally,
I was going to save this comment for Saturday but decided that I would rather not wait. First and foremost I am deeply sorry for your loss. Your son was truly blessed to have such loving and caring parents. Your faith, hope and courage is something that no one can ever take from you. All of the incredibly hardwork the two of you have put in to help your son and yourselves is such an encouragement to others. The support you provide to the other PSST parents has been extraordinary. I am honored to say that I know all 3 of you and that your wonderful qualities did show in Cisco. All of my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and the rest of your family during this tragic time, nevertheless I know your faith and strength will continue to shine through!
Rocco and Sally,
Words seem inadequate to express my sadness for your loss. I will always remember the strength, love, and unwavering commitment you both showed for Cisco. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Barb Kuhn
Sally and Rocco,
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Your love and commitment to your son was with out limit and it showed in all you did. You both have been such rocks of strength to the community of parents with addicted children. I am deeply saddened and have you in my prayers during this unimaginable time.
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