Quote of the Week
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cisco 1992 - 2012
Posted by:Rocco--Thursday, September 06, 2012
We will always have our regrets but we will always thank God for the 20 years we had with our beautiful son Cisco. He fought hard and now he is at peace and in God's hands. Our most sincere thanks for all of our good friends at PSST and their prayers and thoughts and their love.
Sally and Rocco
Just for today I will try to live through the next 24 hours and not expect to get over my child's death, but instead learn to live with it, just one day at a time.
Just for today I will remember my child's life, not just his death, and bask in the comfort of all those treasured days and moments we shared.
Just for today I will smile no matter how much I hurt on the inside, for maybe if I smile a little, my heart will soften and I will begin to heal.
Just for today I will reach out to comfort a relative or friend of my child, for they are hurting too, and perhaps we can help each other.
Just for today I will free myself from my self-inflicted burden of guilt, for deep in my heart I know if there was anything in this world I could of done to save my child from death, I would of done it.
Just for today I will honor my child's memory by doing something with another child because I know that would make my own child proud.
Just for today I will offer my hand in friendship to another bereaved parent for I do know how they feel.
Just for today when my heart feels like breaking, I will stop and remember that grief is the price we pay for loving and the only reason I hurt is because I had the privilege of loving so much.
Just for today I will not compare myself with others. I am fortunate to be who I am and have had my child for as long as I did.
Just for today I will allow myself to be happy, for I know that I am not deserting him by living on.
Just for today I will accept that I did not die when my child did, my life did go on, and I am the only one who can make that life worthwhile once more.
Posted by:Rocco
Thursday, September 06, 2012
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P.S. We had two young people come up to us at Cisco's service to tell us that they are clean and sober now because of Cisco. He was always reaching out to others but forgot to save himself. We will always love you Cisco ~ S&R
Sally and Rocco,
I am in awe of your grace and strength in this time of sorrow.
I heard a song tonight "Forever Young" and I thought that Cisco will be forever young to you, your family, and yours and Cisco's friends.
Although I never met your beautiful son I saw that he was well loved.
Thank you for this inspiring post.
Oh Rocco & Sally, That burden of guilt is not all self-inflicted. There is plenty of judgement and stigma out there, inflicted by friends and family as well as total strangers, and those who are ignorant of this evil disease. We all did the best we knew how. The rest is up to them. Some get it, some dont, and some run out of time while they are trying to figure it out. Our hearts go out to you. And please tell your other son that his eulogy was beautiful.
Sally and Rocco,
We were so saddened when we found out about the loss of your beloved Cisco. The two of you have been a team through his life and now that team must stay together to get through this. May God comfort you and guide you through this tragedy. You are in our thoughts and prayers... Debby and Greg
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