What are the street names/slang terms?
Big H, Blacktar, Brown sugar, Dope, Horse, Junk, Muc, Skag, Smac
What is Heroin?
Heroin is a highly addictive drug derived from morphine, which is obtained from the opium poppy. It is a “downer” or depressant that affects the brain’s pleasure systems and interferes with the brain’s ability to perceive pain.
What does it look like?
White to dark brown powder or tar-like substance.
How is it used?
Heroin can be used in a variety of ways, depending on user
preference and the purity of the drug. Heroin can be injected into a vein (“mainlining”), injected into a muscle, smoked in a water pipe or standard pipe, mixed in a marijuana joint or regular cigarette, inhaled as smoke through a straw, known as “chasing the dragon,” snorted as powder via the nose.
What are its short-term effects?
The short-term effects of heroin abuse appear soon after a single dose and disappear in a few hours. After an injection of eroin, the user reports feeling a surge of euphoria (“rush”) accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, a dry mouth, and heavy extremities. Following this initial euphoria, the user goes “on the nod,” an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. Mental functioning becomes clouded due to the depression of the central nervous system. Other effects included slowed and slurred speech, slow gait, constricted pupils, droopy eyelids, impaired night vision, vomiting, constipation.
What are its long-term effects?
Long-term effects of heroin appear after repeated use for some period of time. Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, cellulites, and liver disease. Pulmonary complications, including various types of pneumonia, may result from the poor health condition of the abuser, as well as from heroin’s depressing effects on respiration. In addition to the effects of the drug itself, street heroin may have additives that do not really dissolve and result in clogging the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. This can cause infection or even death of small patches of cells in vital organs. With regular heroin use, tolerance develops. This means the abuser must use more heroin to achieve the same intensity or effect.
As higher doses are used over time, physical dependence and addiction develop. With physical dependence, the body has adapted to the presence of the drug and withdrawal symptoms may occur if use is reduced or stopped. Withdrawal, which in regular abusers may occur as early as a few hours after the last administration, produces drug craving, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps (“cold turkey”), kicking movements (“kicking the habit”), and other symptoms. Major withdrawal symptoms peak between 48 and 72 hours after the last does and subside after about a week. Sudden withdrawal by heavily dependent users who are in poor health can be fatal.
What is its federal classification?
Schedule I
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
THE PARTNERSHIP AT DRUGFREE.ORG is a drug abuse prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery resource, existing to help parents and caregivers effectively address alcohol and drug abuse with their teens and young adults.
© 2011 The Partnership at
Quote of the Week
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
What is Heroin?
Posted by:Rocco--Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Posted by:Rocco -- Tuesday, March 15, 2011 0 comments-click to comment
Breaking the anger-remorse cycle
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Monday, March 14, 2011
Do as I say or the hairdryer gets it! |
Excerpt from post: At this point Mom has to decide. Is she going to take this opportunity to instruct her son that she did not lie, that while she likes saving money that the real reason that she took the phone is exactly what she told him that it was, i.e., that he had restricted calls on his phone? If she does go down that path now there is hardly any turning back. This will become the new issue and the first issue may never be addressed. If she falls for that, then her son has successfully manipulated her away from the real issue.
It feels to the parent like the most critical intervention is during the anger stage. Indeed, it is a critical time, e.g., if a teenager is realizing a benefit to the tantrum then the parent has reinforced this behavior. So, if a parent gives in once the teenager begins his anger episode it can be very difficult to reverse this behavior because it has been historically reinforced; however, it is not as well understood that the the time of remorse is an excellent window in which to address this behavior. This posts attempts to highlight the importance of the remorse phase of the cycle.
Son: Mom, I want to know why you decided to take my phone off of me.
Mom: We discussed that.
Son: But you lied! You said I misused it but really you didn't want to pay the bill anymore.
Mom: You misused your phone by calling unapproved peers.
Son: I told you that was an accident but you just wanted to get rid of my phone. If you would have told me the truth I would have still been mad, but what I'm really mad at is your lying to me- why do you have to be a lying bitch?
Mom: OK, that's it- this discussion is over.
Son: No it's not [grabbing a hair dryer of mother's and throwing it at the wall] why are you always lying [yelling].
Mom goes for phone and dials 911 and immediately asks for an officer to keep the peace. Teen begins to calm down while officer is on the way. He is remorseful. He says it is mostly (but not all) his fault. He asks for another chance. He begs her not to call the police. He promised her that she won't be sorry if she doesn't tell his PO, his father, his therapist, or whomever is involved with his case.
Before we continue on with this role-play (hold that thought) lets examine some current ideas on this:
"Harmful Adaptations to Anger and Abuse: Walking on Eggshells. The most insidious aspect of abuse is not the obvious nervous reactions to shouting, name-calling, criticism or other demeaning behavior. It's the adaptations you make to try to prevent those painful episodes. You walk on eggshells to keep the peace or a semblance of connection.
"Women are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of walking on eggshells due to their greater vulnerability to anxiety. Many brave women engage in constant self-editing and self-criticism to keep from "pushing his buttons." Emotionally abused women can second guess themselves so much that they feel as though they have lost themselves in a deep hole."
These excerpts were taken from Compassion Power.
I realize that this website is not about parenting per se; nevertheless, I feel that this cycle of abuse remorse between adults is revelant to what happens between parent and teenager.
Keeping this eggshells analogy in mind, let's go back to our example above. At the point where the teenager turns remorseful, the parent is going to feel relieved. Crisis managed. Now the child is being nice. Now the parent wants to reinforce this behavior and therefore relaxes with the idea that the crisis is over; however, this may be as important a time to manage the crisis, with the idea that you are now setting the stage for the next crisis to be managed. Now is the time to use your PSST powers to good advantage.
Son: Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just got mad cause you know you don't always tell me the truth.
Mom: Excuse me? You make it sound like it was my fault that you blew up and broke my hair dryer and called me names.
Son: No, it's not your fault. It's my fault. I'm so sorry, [looks like he could cry if you look at him to hard]
Mom: Look, honey, I agree with what you first said, this was your responsibility. Whether you liked the way I said it or what I said, you are responsible for your feelings and your behavior. So, I'm with you- yeah you're sorry about that and I really feel that. Boy, that was a huge screw up.
Son: But I said I was sorry! You're not going to tell my PO are you? [Starting to get fired up again. A lot of times this is where the Mom backs down realizing that she doesn't want him to revert to the "bad teen" again so she starts her "walking on egg shells." But this mother knows that she has a window of opportunity here and she is not going to squander it.]
Mom: And I agree that you are sorry. I would be sorry too if I had acted like that and I agree that your PO will be very disappointed b/c you just talked to him about doing this kind of stuff.
Son: Mom he's going to drag me off to Shuman! Is that what you want? I wouldn't have got so mad at you if you hadn't lied to me. Now your going to have me sent away but you know I can't being lied to [crys and sobs].
Mom: OK, you know what, I'm just going to give you a chance to get yourself together- we'll talk about this when you get a grip on it. [Mom gets up and is ready to exit the room.]
Son: I'm stopping! [starts to raise voice again] God it's like you punish me for crying! I'm just expressing my feelings like my therapist told me to do.
Mom: You can do that. And if you need a moment to compose yourself that's just fine honey.
Son: Well, he said cause you gave me too much information when I was growing up, you know told me stuff about bills and stuff that I didn't need to know, that now I have trouble when people don't level with me. You should just tell me the truth or just don't tell me nothing but don't make something up.
PIVOTAL JUNCTURE: [At this point Mom has to decide. Is she going to take this opportunity to instruct her son that she did not lie, that while she likes saving money that the real reason that she took the phone is exactly what she told him that it was, i.e., that he had restricted calls on his phone? If she does go down that path now there is hardly any turning back. This will become the new issue and the first issue may never be addressed.
If she falls for that, then her son has successfully manipulated her away from the real issue.
For this example, our mother decides not to debate this one but to stick with the primary issue- i.e., (1)him being 100 percent responsible for what he did, and (2)what he is prepared to do to see that this doesn't happen again. This is the window to deal with this and if while you are addressing this he has another blow up- oh well, at least you showed him that you're not going to be intimated and start walking on "egg shells."
Mom: OK, [The teen has stopped crying- without that there was no point in continuing- it's just too powerful an effect when a man cries and we don't want to reinforce that behavior by giving him attention.] You don't need a moment to compose yourself?
Son: No. I'm fine.
Mom: Good. I see you are fine. Good job. Now, thanks for listening to me I know that you are upset and this isn't easy for you either.
Son: It's not. I just think we need to communicate better. We need to do what my counselor said and work on this together cause there's things you do that push my buttons and I push your buttons too.
Mom: I agree we certainly need to do that. We are always ready to set each other off aren't we? I'm glad you brought that up because what really sets me off is when I think I hear you saying that this breaking of my hair dryer and name calling is partly my fault. Yes, that really pushes my buttons and frankly I'm worried about how you are looking at this.
Son: What?
Mom: That I could be responsible in whatever way because you broke my hair dryer and called me a bitch. That is not something that I'm willing to share with you. You think I lied and that somehow kinda justifies you breaking my hair dryer and calling me a bitch. I don't buy that.
Son: But even my therapist says...
Mom: [moves in and lowers voice talking slowly] I'm not willing to take that responsibility from you.
Son: But it takes two of us
Mom: Yes, I agree that it DOES take two of us to have an issue and like I said I agree that we are both good at pushing each other's buttons- regardless, when you start breaking things and calling me names, I can't own that one.
Son: Well, it was 70 percent my fault but I still say it was 30 percent your fault. You shouldn't have lied to me to begin with.
Mom: I agree with one big thing you just said.
Son: What?
Mom: 70 percent and 30 percent equals 100 percent and you're right it is important to see who owns that 100 percent. Nevertheless, when you start with the throwing things and calling names no matter what i've said it's 100 percent your part now buddy. That's completely unnaceptable and dangerous!
Mom: And another thing I agree with is that as long as you believe that this is partially my fault that you become violent and out-of-control, your unnacceptable behavior will continue. This is not the first incident like this and from the looks of things it won't be the last incident. You are going to continue to repeat this mistake until you take responsibility and do what you need to do to stop it.
Son: But my therapist says that this happens because you always gave me too much information.
Mom: Your therapist is right honey, I gave you way to much power when you started acting out-of-control and I'm stopping it right now.
Son: What?
Mom: I tried to tiptoe around you trying hard not to say the wrong thing so that you wouldn't explode. That was wrong and you can tell your therapist that I can admitt that today.
Mom: I know I've been afraid of waking that angry beast inside you and I'm done with that now. I don't cause you to act that way, I can't control you when you get angry and I'm going to try to stop acting like it's even partially my fault. From now on when you are out-of-control, and hear me, I don't care if I lied to you ten times in one day! It's your responsibility to own this behavior and I won't allow you to pull me into it like that. I didn't call you names. I didn't break your stuff. You did that to me and if we don't get somethings straight here your going to continue doing stuff like that.
Son: Now I'm getting mad again- you're making me feel mad again.
Mom: Fine! Deal with it. Now what, you going to break some more of my stuff? [moving in closer lowing voice] Want to call me a bitch again? Do you think I'm lying to you now when I tell you that if you start breaking stuff again I'm calling the police back and I'm probably getting the same officer who was just here. But if that's what helps you calm down...
Son: That's not necessary. I'm just mad again is all.
Mom: OK, enough talk. Let's wrap this up. I agree your sorry.
Son: I am.
Mom: That's good. Well, I'm going to give you a chance to prove that one- I need the basement cleaned up - a really good job- I am grounding you until that's done. Also, the phone is finished now and you can be sure I'm not lying about that!-
Son: You said you were taking it for a week!
Mom: Yeah but I'm the one whose sorry now, cause I'm sorry but I'm confiscating it until further notice and we'll see if you can learn to control your temper before I even consider returning it.
Son: But you said...
Mom: I agree with you I'm a big liar then. And I change my mind sometimes. Does that help? I lied about taking it for a couple days cause now I'm taking it until further notice. I will also need your game system and TV taken out of your room.
Son: What! What am I going to do here?
Mom: I don't know- but you said you were sorry so I guess we both can still agree on that one. When you call me a bitch and throw my stuff then it doesn't matter what a big liar I am- it's your responsibility. You have to deal with it and if you're as sorry as you say then you won't complain about the consequences. What you did was wrong, dangerous, unacceptable, and I refuse to keep that kind of behavior secret from your PO You can call him and tell him or I will.
Mom: One last thing. I'm glad you can talk to your therapist and I think he is great. When you see him this week, please talk to him about developing a plan to help you stop this cycle of anger-remorse. Nothing will be returned to you until I see that you are prepared to take responsibility for these unacceptable outbursts and do do something to see that you stop them.
Mom: That's it. We're done. This meeting is over.
Son: You don't believe I'm sorry.
Mom: I told you that I do believe you're sorry, but I suppose you think I'm lying about that too.
Son: Kinda I do, cause if you believed I was sorry you wouldn't do all this.
Mom: Oh I think you are sorry. I just think your even sorrier now that I've given you these consequences and I think that if this anger- remorse behavior continues you might find that you are even more sorry. Please understand this part: NEVER call me names. NEVER throw my stuff around.
Son: I won't.
Mom: And that hair dryer costs like fifty bucks so you need to add that to what you owe me.
Son: How am I supposed to pay that? I don't have a job!
Mom: Listen, good job listening. This was a huge confrontation and you heard a lot of stuff that upset you- but you didn't call me a bitch again and you didn't break anything else. That's a start. Don't worry about getting the TV and game system out of your room tonight- I can grab it tomorrow while you're at rehab-We'll talk later [gives hug but teen tries to not return it and walks away.]
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Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Monday, March 14, 2011 3 comments-click to comment
Mult-Systemic Therapy, or MST
Posted by:Max--Wednesday, March 09, 2011
PSST Parent Wilma has often mentioned she is using "MST" in her home with Bam-Bam. I keep asking her "what do you mean by that again?" Wilma kindly sent me information on Multi-Systemic Therapy, or MST. This is new to Allegheny County within the last 2 years. It is a home-based therapy where the goal is to keep the child in the home and not sent to a facility. It may not be right for everyone, but it may be a good alternative to know about for others. Please read on if you think these services can help your family.
Wilma's family is using a place called Harbor Creek Youth Services (MST at Harbor Creek The following information is from them, and is not endorsed by Juvenile Probation or PSST. It is simply information we would like you all to be aware of. Harbor Creek is now seeing patients with Managed Care insurance, so they may not have updated brochures yet. Wilma had a psych eval for son Bam-Bam conducted by a master level therapist who works for a psychological practice called Lancaster-Hugh Smith PhD Associates. New referrals will most likely start out with a psychological evaluation, so the child is properly assessed, as these services will not be appropriate for everyone. IMPORTANT HINT** If you have had previous evaluations for your kid, always offer them to a new tester, as it is valuable information for comparison. Also, any anecdotal information from forms filled out by teachers or previous therapists are also good to have on hand. The more well rounded picture of your teen, the more appropriate and targeted treatment can be.
MST Frequently Asked Questions:
Is MST for everyone?
No. In general, the MST program targets youth at risk for out-of-home placement for behaviors that are viewed as “willful misconduct”. Please contact the MST supervisor for a list of inclusionary and exclusionary criteria if there are questions regarding specific behaviors/criteria.
How is 24/7 availability defined?
This is always driven by the families needs; specifically, 24/7 means that the family has access to the primary therapist or a member of the MST team – at any time – who knows the details of the case and the appropriate response to the family’s needs or concerns.
How is MST different from a Crisis Team?
The crisis team is designed for short-term crisis intervention, and can be contacted by the family (or temporary caregiver) at any time. MST Therapists are also prepared to respond to crises when families call. Also, for families who appear to be at risk for crisis development, MST Therapists receive on-going supervision and consultation to develop “safety plans”. Such plans would include calling the therapist. If, in the event of a crisis, the family chooses to utilize services other than, or in addition to, MST, the MST Therapist should be contacted as soon as possible in an effort to develop a collaborative plan of action for future crises. Ideally, this contact should be made by the family, but could also be made by a member of the Crisis Team (with proper consents).
How is a MST referral made?
A referral can be made by faxing the referral packet to the MST office. This packet should include the 412 referral form (CYF), Harborcreek Youth Services referral form, and all other relevant information pertaining to the case. After the referral is received, the MST Supervisor will contact the caseworker or JPO to obtain any additional information required for the acceptance/denial of the referral and a decision will be made at that time.
How persistent is MST?
Since MST Therapists are held accountable for case outcomes, every effort will be made to engage families in treatment. At the outset, engagement of the family is seen as a treatment challenge that can be addressed. Various strategies that are professional, persistent, and utilize assets within the ecology, will be attempted to engage the family in treatment.
Can MST initiate services before the targeted youth is home?
Yes. MST can begin 30 days prior to the youth’s return into the home. During this time, MST will prepare the parents/caregivers for the youth’s return home as well as work with the placement to ensure there is a smooth transition back into the home, school, and community.
How long do MST services last?
MST services typically last between 4-6 months. When there are indications that longer treatment will result in significant improvement in the youth’s behavior, treatment can be extended. The program supervisor and consultant must approve all extensions of treatment.
What does MST do about adolescents using/abusing substances?
The scientific literature indicates that adolescent substance use/abuse is maintained by the same factors that maintain other delinquent behavior. These include being with other peers who use/abuse substances, family factors, and school factors. As such, the MST Therapist works with the ecology surrounding the youth to change these factors…the same as the MST Therapist would do in reducing criminal behavior, aggressive behavior, or school truancy.
Who provides individual therapy?
The MST Therapist, but only in certain well-defined circumstances. In general, individual treatment of the adolescent is done when other ecological interventions have been implemented consistently and the youth’s behavior has not changed. In caregivers, individual treatment is done when a barrier to engagement or goal achievement is found. During individual treatment, empirically supported interventions are the focus of treatment (e.g., CBT).
Harbor Creek is not the only group doing MST. For other resources, please google MST Allegheny County.
Posted by:Max -- Wednesday, March 09, 2011 1 comments-click to comment
Families Anonymous Meeting - Tuesday Night - Squirrel Hill
Posted by:Rocco--Wednesday, March 09, 2011
"Families Anonymous" on Forbes Av. is now meeting,
Tuesdays nights from 6:00 - 7:30PM
We hope you will join us at:
Gateway Rehab Squirrel Hill
5818 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Click Here For Map
Near the intersection of Forbes Ave and Murray Ave
(412) 697-0928
What exactly is Families Anonymous? - click on Read More
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step Support Group for Anyone whose life has been adversely affected by another person's use of drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral issues.
NO Fees - NO last names used - NO forms to fill out
NO formal sign-up – NO obligation – NO commitment
NO saying “I’m Sorry”
Families Anonymous is a group of concerned parents, relatives and friends whose lives have been adversely affected by a loved one's addiction to alcohol or drugs.
Every one of us has made the same statement at one time or another...
"But I'm not the one who needs help!"
It was obvious that someone else near to us was the one with problems.
Many of us were amazed, annoyed, saddened or shocked that our children refused our help, maybe even resented our efforts to help and would not acknowledge that they have a problem.
Families Anonymous is dedicated to doing something constructive about our approach to our loved one's problems. We learn from our own experience, but we can also get a great deal of benefit from the shared misery and foolish mistakes we make while trying to do the best we possibly can do.
That realization, in itself, goes a long way in helping us to start feeling good about ourselves... and, amazingly, sets the stage for the recovery for both of us in many, many cases.
Please join us on Tuesday nights from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Allow Families Anonymous to Help You on Your Road to Recovery.
Click on Families Anonymous for more information on who and what we are.
Posted by:Rocco -- Wednesday, March 09, 2011 0 comments-click to comment
March 5th Meeting Recap - Wilkinsburg
Posted by:Max--Sunday, March 06, 2011
Wow - our meetings have become large over the last several months, with new parents coming in all the time! I for one am thrilled about this; it means our name is circulating more and more, making it easier for parents to find the help they need through PSST. In attendance today were PSST professionals Kathie T, Justin and Jocelyn from Wesley Spectrum Services, along with our two favorite Juvenile Probation mean Officers, Lloyd Woodward and Val Ketter!
The downside of so many in attendance is that we have to be a bit more stingy with time per parent so we can get around the room. We were very strict this time; each parent had about 5 minutes to introduce themselves, their kid, their primary issue (drug of choice, mental health, other) and a basic one-sentence summary of where they are (literally and emotionally) in their process. We even gave them a little script to follow to keep them on track. If the parent responded that they were "in a good place", we took that as a sign that they would yield their time to another parent more in need of talking. If the parent said "we have an issue" or "we don't know what to do next" we wrote that down as something for further discussion. Time wise this worked beautifully; we took a break earlier than usual, and had over an hour for role plays, Q & A, and "PSST Advice 911". We would love feedback from all that were present - was this structure helpful? Did it feel too rushed? Did anyone wish they had more time to share? Did we use our time in the second half of the meeting wisely, or does anyone have another suggestion? Please leave a comment or write to
Here is what is going on with our parents:
Max (me!) is in a good place with both kids. David, has been away at a therapeutic boarding school since July. He had 90 days clean right before he left, so at this time, he has been clean for a total of 11 months (minus a short relapse for a "going away party" he defiantly gave himself). Our visits have been great, and his first home pass will be in April. Older son Michael is also in a good place, although it may not sound this way! Michael is sick of being scrutinized by us, and desperately wants to try out life on his own. He decided to take a week and live somewhere else (with a friend). He was a bit taken aback when Mel and I didn't blink and said "we love you and want you to live with us. But if you feel like you need to go, we understand and won't stop you". He has been gone since Friday, but we saw him for dinner on Sunday evening. All is well for now. More will be revealed!
Jane's Son Elroy seems comfortable in his court-ordered RTF. He has been there for one month, and appears to be engaging in his treatment. Jane went through Hell and back to get Elroy the treatment he needed (read earlier post "PSST GRIT, Episode I). Jane said she is in a good place for now. We are happy there is some peace in your life, Jane. Use this time to recharge your batteries!!
Jessica's son Herman happens to be in the same facility as Elroy. The Rabbits followed a self-imposed no visit rule. Herman was just too verbally abusive, and everyone felt some distance would help all involved. Finally after several weeks, the reunion happened. The distance helped Jessica and Roger see "how sick Herman really is". Herman isn't in a good place now, pushing all limits, so Roger and Jessica have decided to make visiting decisions on a weekly basis. We at PSST applaud your strength, Jessica. It isn't easy to decide not to see your kid. But your decisions are based on what is best for Herman, and more importantly, you are showing Herman who is boss. You are taking care of yourselves for a change!
Wilma's son Bam-Bam currently attends OPI Gateway. He is not (yet, anyway) under any court based supervision. Wilma has done quite a bit on her own, before ever coming to PSST -talk about tenacious!! Bam also has has MST (Multi Systemic Treatment) in the home. I plan to write in more detail what this home-based therapy is all about. Stay tuned, it might be appropriate for YOU!
Rocco came to the meeting today with out his right arm, Sally. Sally, we missed you...but Rocco made up for your absence with amazing pastries (We can be bought).
Rocco and Sally's story about son Cisco is well documented in several past blogs. Take a look at the following to catch up (enter these or other titles in "search this blog", upper right of PSST home page): Searching For Cisco Parts I,II and III, Finding Cisco Parts III, IV, and V, and Cisco Has Relapsed Again. Rocco reports that Cisco is actually in a good place now. He is in an adult half-way house and doing well. Part of his recovery is to come clean with the truth, and as we all know, the truth hurts. Cisco reported heroin use to his parents as a part of this. No one is sure as to how much or how long, but Cisco never went through a withdrawal. This implies short or intermittent use, but this small comfort does not change the fear and pain Rocco and Sally feel upon this revelation. Nevertheless, the Rocco-Sally express keeps chugging along. They have learned that recovery is not linear; peaks, valleys and bumps are always on the horizon. This family has taken each hit as a time to learn more about Cisco, and more about each other. They didn't win Parent Of The Year award for nothing!
Violet's son Sal is doing well in his third month at college, a place she never dreamed he would be! In fact, last year at this time she didn't think he would be here at all, because Sal is a heroin addict. Violet always credits PSST for saving her son. Violet - it is time to credit yourself a bit. You are the person who brought charges against Sal, so he would have a PO at school. YOU are the one who stood up in court for a PFA a few years ago. YOU have great instincts on what to do to save your just needed a few friends who understood your situation, to offer support, and give you some extra tools. We all may have helped, but basically, you did this yourself!
Rose's son Joe is an addict whose drug of choice is "robotripping" - using over the counter cough/cold meds in combinations that produce a high. He has been in the system and has not lived at home for one year. This is very tough on both of them, and Rose feels that Joe sabotages himself every time he is ready to be discharged, because he is frightened of failure and the weight of responsibility outside a treatment center; He is in a new placement for this exact reason. In prior PSST meetings and at Families Anonymous, we talk about how kids often shoot themselves in the foot this way. On the upside, Rose had a good visit with Joe at his new placement,and they talked about "regular stuff" for a change. Joe also had a good visit with Lloyd. PSST parents salute you, Rose - your refusal to have Joe home, and your insistence that he be immediately placed again, is a statement of power, and the best help you can give your son.
Kitty's younger son Carlyle (18) is in-patient for 28 days, marijuana being his drug of choice. The therapist there say he is doing well, and when Kitty visited, he seemed "on the ball". Carlye's older brother Cat is a heroin addict in a 1/2 way house on the same campus. Carlyle was at the same NA meeting as his brother, and commented to Kitty that Cat's attitude was bad, and that he wasn't doing well. Kitty said that she thought it was interesting that Carlyle had insight into his older brother. Unfortunately Kitty is an old hand at this addiction thing - but she has learned that she didn't cause it, and she knows she can't control it. She recognizes that the only thing she can do is wait and see what happens, while not losing hope. We can all learn from this, Kitty. We are glad you've become a part of PSST.
Joan's daughter Melissa has struggled with marijuana, alcohol and pills for a few years now. She finally entered a treatment center outside of Pittsburgh (her third attempt this year). Even though she is told that Melissa is starting to follow the rules, Joan is being "protectively pessimistic". Joan, keep coming to PSST and Families Anonymous. The road to sobriety is a bumpy one, but there is reason for hope - just ask your more experienced PSST friends.
Elizabeth and Charles' daughter Diana has been using since 8th grade, but didn't find out about it until recently. This is something many of us have been through, and although it practically killed us, we are still alive to tell the tale - we are here for you! Although Diana is in the Partial Program at Gateway, Elizabeth has many questions as this is all so new to her. They don't have a contract or PO for Diana yet. Do they need it? Please keep coming to meetings; you will learn the answer from our collective experience, and become confident in what ever decision you make for your daughter.
Francoise and Brigitte's son Pierre is acting up. He was in IOP, then bumped up to Partial, and soon on his way to in-patient. He is a tough kid according to mom and dad; Brigitte and Francoise removed Pierre's door as a consequence for his defiance, but it isn't enough. Recently, Pierre verbally threatened his mom, and Brigitte felt frightened enough to lock herself in the bathroom and call Francoise. They are probably going to bring charges against him so Pierre will have a PO. Francoise and Brigitte already have shown they are willing to do what is necessary to step up and regain control of their home. They just need a bit more support, like a BULLDOG ON A LEASH...(the PSST term for PROBATION OFFICER!)
Welcome back to PSST Veteran Milly, with a message of hope. Her son Will, addicted to heroin, has been clean since 4/26/2006. He is now a Drug and Alcohol counselor at Liberty Station. Milly wants us all to know that PSST "changed my life", and, "where there is a heartbeat, there is hope." Thanks Milly, we all needed to hear that!
Cheryl and Jim's son Andy has used alcohol, weed and "other" for a long while. Sadly, Andy has developed some serious health issues as a result, but everyone is staying strong. He is doing well in his half-way house...he won "cleanest room" and "most improved"! Isn't it amazing how little things like this mean so much? We all pray for Andy's continued recovery and good health.
Dylan, Jenn and Brad's son primarily has behavioral issues. He does smoke cigarettes, and would probably smoke weed, but has no cash (good for you, Brad and Jenn!).
Dylan had just finished an integrated services program that helped de-escalate his defiance, and his physical and verbal abuse is toned down. They are going to start family based mental health counseling. Brad and Jenn, sounds like you have a good team of professionals behind you, and we always are interested in new therapeutic strategies. Keep coming back for support, and to learn a few other tricks that may help you out in a confrontation with Dylan.
Candy and younger daughter Tiffany came to give us an update on older daughter Tori. Tori is 6 months clean (from weed and pills), living in a female 1/2 way house. The family has seen tremendous personality changes (for the better) over the last few months. Tori is now in an honesty stage which is great, but she is still pushing the limits, so she will stay at her current placement for 3 more months. Always great to have you with us, Candy! For all the Newbies, The Spellings are another family who did what we all would have considered unthinkable before PSST; they stood up in court and brought charges against Tori for possession, had her court ordered into treatment, and had a PO assigned to her. Candy and Aaron believe Tori is alive now because of this; if you have any doubts about going to court to bring charges against your kid to save his life, just talk to Candy (and Violet, and Rocco and Sally, and Jane, and Daisy....)
We had a new parent with us today named Marilyn. Her daughter Audrey is 15, adopted from Moscow. Audrey is very angry, and is verbally abusive towards her mom. Marilyn wisely took Audrey for a urine screen to rule out drugs. Thankfully it was clean. Marilyn is at her wits' end and is unsure what to do. If you keep coming back, Marilyn, hopefully you will learn some skills that will help you communicate better with Audrey. You may also get ideas from other parents about possibilities for mental health treatment. Look for the upcoming post about MST....
Daisy's 15 year old son Ozzie is getting ready to be discharged from his placement. Daisy's petals are wilting with worry, as Ozzie has a 31 hour home pass...this will be a true test for both of them. Can Ozzie be home for this amount of time and remain respectful and calm? Can Daisy remember to use all her PSST tools and remain calm as well? Can't wait until 31 hours from now to hear the result...DING! Hour 32...and great news. A successful visit! WHEW...more to come very soon...Ozzie gets discharged tomorrow!
If you come to a PSST meeting, we feed your stomach AND your soul!!
We came back from our break with time to do 3 Role Plays
Role Play #1 – Dealing With Old “Friends”
The hardest thing that most of our teens have to face up to is avoiding people they have ever used drugs / alcohol with, or even people that may be a trigger for them to use drugs / alcohol. Our teens always tell us that they cannot leave their friends, and developmentally, adolescents value friends and peers above all else. Therefore, it is a loaded subject on a good day!
This role play was a mom visiting her son in an inpatient recovery facility and going over the “friends” issue BEFORE the kid gets a home pass or discharge.
After the usual pleasant greeting mom and son get down to the main issue – the rules of recovery and his probation dictate the need to avoid his old friends for a minimum of ninety days when he comes back home.
SON: Man, mom there you go again. You are like always trying to control me and change me. There is no way that I can leave my friends. You don’t get it, like they are my real family, they are the only ones that know me, you know?
MOM: I know it is tough to… (trying to agree)
SON: No you don’t know, mom, you never know, you don’t even have any friends. You lock me away for all this time and then tell me I can’t see my friends.
MOM: I agree that it is really… (trying to agree, even though interrupted)
SON: You just like to control everyone, you caused all of this because you are some kind of control freak…
MOM: (realizes it is hopeless to make a point at the moment) Take your time and tell me what you have to say. Let me know when you are done and then I will take my turn to talk.
SON: My friends only used because I supplied the with everything. If I stop using they will stop using. They understand me and you don’t. You never understand me. You are always doing everything for the rest of the family. You treat me different. My brother the nerd can have all of his nerd friends around anytime he likes and the girls they can do whatever they like whenever they want but you always need to control me. You are like my biggest trigger. You are the reason I use, you make me want to use with all of your rules and you don’t even know what it’s like to have any friends. I can stop using anytime I am ready. I already stopped until that time the cops caught me. Just give me one good reason why I can’t use…
MOM (staying calm): I like how honest and open you can be with me. I really appreciate it when we can talk like this. I have friends honey. I have friends at my parents group…
SON: Friends? At that Saturday Morning cult thing? Run by that $%&*# P.O.? You control all of them, you control that P.O., you tell them all what to think…
MOM (calmly): Hold on now, this is my turn to talk right now. Wow, I wish I had that kind of power to control things like you say! (this is an agreement) Never the less, the reason you cannot see your friends is because you used with them. Therefore, they are a trigger for you to use again.
SON: They only used because I wanted them too, they have been clean since I have been in here…
MOM: (calmly) Wait, it is still my turn to talk. They may or may not be clean.. never the less, you used with them, no matter who’s idea it was, you used with them and you will want to use with them again. Let’s just say that for the first 90 days that you will have to avoid them.
SON: But they are clean, how about if they come to meetings with me?
MOM: I am not comfortable with that. Let’s just try this for a 90 day trial period and then we can talk about it.
SON: So, like, I can see my friends in 90 days?
MOM: Let’s agree to talk about you seeing your friends in 90 days, okay.
Son reluctantly agrees, for now. Get on with the rest of your visit. The entire visit doesn’t have to be a learning moment.
- The key is for the parent to stay calm throughout this conversation. If you feel like you are going to lose it or just need a break, do not hesitate to excuse yourself to step away for a moment to get a drink, or just to calm down and to regain your composure. If things are going really downhill you may want to ask one of the counselors to join in to help moderate..or maybe, it is time for the visit to be over. Do not feel pressured into staying the entire time with a teen who is being difficult and/or disrespectful. Walking away sends a message that you will not tolerate their treatment of you; they no longer have this power. It also "leaves them hanging", unsure of what you will do or say next. It will give them a chance to cool off and try the conversation again under better control.
- Oscar nominee: Jessica portrayed son Herman in this role play, and by everyone's standards, she imitated her son perfectly, including not making any eye contact, not wanting to be touched, and continually talking with intensity. Veteran PSST parent Milly, playing the mom, did not hesitate to lean towards him for emphasis, but did not overdo it. (leaning in towards them can be a powerful non-verbal statement, but you must know your child and their limits). Milly also wisely remained calm and let Jessica/Herman "get it all out". Trying to reprimand a teen in this state for interrupting and not allowing you to speak is a waste of time, and a battle you will lose.
We often recommend parents starting difficult conversations with “I have something to tell you that you are not going to want to hear. If you get angry and want to walk away it is okay…” Usually this will make our oppositional kids want to stay (just to prove you wrong) but it will almost always peak their attention. If they walk away, that is okay; the conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere anyway. You will always have another chance to bring up the subject later.
Role Play #2 – Dealing With Anger...Yours!
Many parents have a lot of anger and resentment surrounding the teen in recovery. It may stem from past offenses (such as stealing from the home, continuous lies) or, we are so tired from trying to do our best to reach out and help our kid, only to be rebuffed. We are conflicted as to what to do with this anger and where to direct it, because to hold on to it is unhealthy physically and emotionally. The purpose of this role play was to demonstrate that this resentment and anger is not unusual. It is part of a cycle of co-dependency we have with our kid, and we need to break it. This includes getting professional counseling for ourselves, and learning how to detach (with love) from our addicted child. In addition, we recommend trying to put your anger towards the disease of addiction. You can love your child, and hate the disease. You can hate what your kid has done under the influence, and hate what the disease has done to the family. But understand that venting our anger towards our children is unproductive. The kids are not in a good state of mind at this point, and will easily fall into the trap of blaming the parent's attempts to help them, as well as the parent's anger, to justify drug use and behavior. This does not mean the kid should get a pass. On the contrary; PSST believes strongly parents MUST continually hold their child accountable for all offenses. Only when the teen has had significant clean time, is honestly working a recovery program, their brain matured and caught up, will there be a chance of the teen taking a "moral inventory" and make honest apologies to the offended.
But in the meantime, PSST mom Joan needs help NOW! She is so angry with daughter Melissa, Joan needs a role play on how to deal with this when she visits her in placement: Joan agreed to play her daughter, and Lloyd agreed to act as the mom:
MOM: (Keep very calm) So listen honey, I have thought about this for a while. I am afraid that I have handled things badly when it comes to talking with you.
DAUGHTER: You got that right…
MOM: (Stay calm) I know. It seems that I always end up yelling or crying and our conversations go nowhere. I have…
DAUGHTER: Yeah you really do have some issues mom…
MOM: (Remain calm) I have some real anger issues, don’t I? I can be a real b*tch sometimes!
DAUGHTER: Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying. You are the one with issues, not me. I don’t know why I am in here - you are the one that needs help…
MOM (No matter what your child says stay focused): So listen honey, I need your help. (or.."you're right, I do need help..from you!) I am going to try to make this a pleasant visit for us both. If things get too tough for me I just want you to know that I may need to get up and get my composure back. I am not leaving, I might just need a drink of water, some air or just a few minutes to clear my head.
DAUGHTER: You need some professional help mom, that’s what you need. I’m really worried about you. I am in good shape. I have been clean for two weeks now so can I get out of here. I can come home and help you.
MOM Remaining calm): We are really good at pushing each others' buttons aren’t we? We know just what to say to get to each other, and I want to try to avoid that from now on…
DAUGHTER: You’re not even listening to me, are you? You never listen, it’s always all about you! I am the one that’s locked up here, not you! How would you like it….
MOM: (Very calmly): I know it is really tough for you honey but listen; this is one of my moments. I just need to get up and stretch for a couple of minutes. Can I get you a drink or candy or something? I will be right back.
During your visits with your child do not be afraid to take a time out. Toughing it out and allowing your anger to build will only lead to you both saying something you will regret. It is better to take a time out and decompress. Remember: The issue is not that you become angry; it is how you handle your anger.
Don’t be afraid to take some of the blame – agree with your teen! Remember, taking the blame gives you the power. Let your child know that this is going to be the new you – do not enable them by losing control – be a good role model for your child.
When you get back into your car feel free to vent – do some primal screams, cry, bang your head into a cushion, punch-out a Tickle-me-Elmo, let it all out – but don’t let them have the satisfaction of seeing that they can control you and your emotions.
As said previously: Whenever visits do get out of control do not hesitate to cut them short. Make sure that you share results of your visits, good and bad, with their counselors. That is part of the purpose of your visits and reestablishing a relationship with your teenager.
Discussion/ short Role Play #3 – We Are Also Addicts; We Are Addicted To Our Kid!
Sometimes we don't realize it. Sometimes we can't help it. But once we take a step back, we realize...we did it again. We are so addicted to our teen that we caved and said "yes", gave them a few bucks, felt sorry or frightened so we gave them a ride (just this one more time...).
Your teen knows what triggers you. They know how many times they must ask before you finally break. They know what manipulates you. Acquiessing to their requests does the same thing for you as taking a drug does for them. Doing things for them makes you feel good, needed, and in control...but only for a moment. How do we stop this? By being honest and letting your kid know. Yes, you are addicted to them, that you are their biggest enabler and that starting today you need them to help you (in a big way) in your recovery - by not giving you the opportunity to enable them. Calmly let your child know that this is going to be the new you – (do not further enable and empower them by losing control and yelling or crying!)
Kid: Mom, can I go up the street to meet my friends?
Mom: I thought we went over may not just wander up the street and hang out on the corner with a group of kids.
Kid: At least I asked you this time! I could have just LEFT and not told you where I was going. I am trying SO HARD and you don't care!
Mom: You know what honey, you are RIGHT. You are trying hard. Never the less, you are asking me to do something you know you aren't allowed to do.
Kid: OMG, mom!! I have nothing! If I don't go out, I will never have any friends any more! Is that what you want, for me to have nothing?
Mom: Of course I want you to have friends. I really wish that I could say yes to you right now. You know why? Because I am addicted to you! I am your biggest enabler, and enabling is MY DRUG!
Kid: WTF, have gone off the deep end - I don't even get what you are saying!
Mom: What I am saying is this. I have an addiction problem too; my drug of choice is YOU. I need your help - serious help - because if I follow my addiction and do what it tells me to, I end up enabling you! So from now on, help me out by not asking me for money, tobacco, friends or to take you places that will trigger your addiction, because that will trigger mine.
Kid: I still don't get it
Mom: I am in recovery too! I would NEVER give you a bag of pills while you are in recovery. So don't hand ME a bag of excuses so that I end up enabling you!
Once again; Take the blame / Take the Power!
This is the new me:
Hi, my name is ______________ – I am an addict – My drug of choice is enabling you - I am in Recovery – I will no longer enable you. Just one day at a time.
Posted by:Max -- Sunday, March 06, 2011 5 comments-click to comment
Posted by:Sally--Saturday, March 05, 2011
Dear Reader,
If you are a parent, or care giver, of a troubled teenager or a teenager exhibiting addictive behavior and you would like to share your story, express your concerns, discuss what has worked or not worked for you and your child, recommend a book or a website, or just need to vent:
Please write to me at
If you lose my e-mail address it is posted near the top right of the PSST Blog.
All names and e-mail addresses are strictly confidential and are not shared with anyone or forwarded.
Feel free to suggest a pen name or we can assign one.
I have found, in the last year and a half, that writing about my family's travels down the road to recovery has helped me to express my concerns and feelings. I found it a wonderful way to clear my head and get back to sleep late at night.
And the thoughtful responses that I have received from other parents has reassured me and comforted me through our sometimes perplexing journey.
I know that your story will likewise touch and will help many other parents like us.
Sincerely yours,
Posted by:Sally -- Saturday, March 05, 2011 2 comments-click to comment
One Women's Halfway House experience. Reported by Rebecca Fast, Intern
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Friday, March 04, 2011
Rebecca Fast- Master of Social Work Intern |
Thank you.
As I finish my internship with juvenile probation, I want to say how much I appreciate everything I have learned from Lloyd, Kathie, Val and all the parents of PSST. Initially a little unsure of how a social work internship with juvenile probation would work, I am now convinced it is the best choice I could have made.
Working with Lloyd and Kathie, I have seen innovative approaches to working with a tough population in need of both intensive and compassionate services – teenage addicts and their families involved with the juvenile justice system in Allegheny County. I discovered a hopeful place where parents meet to hone the skills that help them take back the power balance in their families, and ultimately work to help their children learn to save their own lives. I saw the potential for our teenage clients to turn their lives around, and also the tragic consequences that the destructive disease of addiction can have on people’s lives.
This year I felt privileged to be part of a team that is dedicated to preserving and restoring the lives of troubled adolescents and their families. I worked closely with two exceptional people who have changed the way I see my work and my career. I knew from previous experience that Lloyd was an unusual and talented probation officer. Seeing his deep passion for his work, and his commitment to his clients, and his endless creativity, I can see why his colleagues, clients, and families respect him so much. Lloyd has mastered the art of communicating with and respect for the idiosyncrasies of the teenage addict’s mind. He is the “teenage whisperer.” Kathie’s work with her clients, and her hope for change is never ending and my respect for her drive and determination to never to give up on a young life is immense.
I also want to thank all the parents who I have met at PSST. The way you face daily challenges head on, with humor, grit and tenacity, is inspiring. I will take with me a much deeper understanding of the issues families face as they struggle to cope with children with addictions, but also of the hope that can be found in the shared support of parents gathered at PSST meetings.
To everyone, Lloyd, Kathie, Val, Jocelyn and Justin, the parents from PSST and the young men and women on probation who struggle daily to fight their addictions, for your generosity in sharing knowledge and your experiences with me, thank you.
Rebecca Read More......
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Friday, March 04, 2011 3 comments-click to comment
Daisy is a ROCK STAR!
Posted by:Max--Monday, February 28, 2011
My dear friend Daisy and I often talk about our kids together, helping each other through difficult moments and comparing notes after interactions with our boys.
When I started to get to know her (in our sons "family night" at Gateway Out Patient), she was more of a "Shrinking Violet" than a blooming Daisy (with no offense meant to our other dear friend Violet!)
I begged her to come to PSST with me. She was a bit reluctant, but then I said "I'll drive you and we'll pick up donuts!" I'm not sure which made her come with me, but come with me she did.
At first, I nudged her. "You ought to introduce yourself to Kathie T...she may have some good ideas for you and Ozzie" I would whisper. She would always say "No, I don't really want to bother her.....".
Then, BOOM - one day it happened. I don't know what event or interaction with Ozzie "triggered" Daisy, but she became more and more assertive, less and less of a pushover, and didn't cry so easily over Ozzie's comments.
She had become PSST POWERFUL.
I knew she had arrived when she stood up in court and said "I want my son to get help and I am not comfortable with him coming home" - this, after he had already been away for a month.
The Daisy I knew originally would never have done this; The Daisy I met would cry at the thought of the possibility of her son going in patient.
THIS Daisy didn't cry at all.
THIS Daisy was very calm when Ozzie started yelling at her in court "why, why are you doing this to me?"
Daisy calmly answered "because I love you". I walked out in the hall with her, and she felt relief. I, on the other hand, felt sick to my stomach. I was much more anxious than she was. She became a ROCK STAR and I am her devoted FAN!
She has come further still. Daisy and I often talk about how disrespectfully our kids sometimes speak to us. We often burst out laughing at the outlandish ways in which our boys would assert their power, and try to intimidate or manipulate us.
Why did we laugh?
Because, when we weren't in the heat of the moment, and could review with each other, it became so clear how outrageous their behavior and attitudes are.
With this in mind, I would like to share another amazing Daisy moment:
Ozzie is scheduled for another home pass this weekend from his RTF before his discharge date in 2 weeks. Daisy and his counsellors know that he gets annoyed at his mom very quickly if she doesn't do or say what he wants, especially in front of other people.
Daisy is sick and tired of every visit starting or ending with Ozzie being in a snit and acting rudely towards her, which turns into a "big talk" before everyone settles down to enjoy the time they have left together.
The straw that broke off Daisy's stem was this past Tuesday's visit. Ozzie started having one of his "OZZFEST" attitudes.
Daisy wisely said "I'm going to cut the visit short and leave". Ozzie went nuts. He begged and pleaded to give him a few more minutes to "calm down and talk".
But Daisy had enough; she was sick of being disrespected for perceived slights. She refused to stay and walked out, went home and went to bed....without guilt!
This morning she called Ozzie's' counselor and told her "I am not comfortable with Oz coming home on a pass this weekend, and "I want to be the one to tell him so he realizes IT IS MY DECISION ALONE".
Daisy was actually making sure she took all the blame, in order to keep the power.
When she talked to Ozzie, Daisy made her case clear:
She will no longer tolerate his disrespect, and she is not willing to be intimidated by him any longer. Her actions of walking away and denying the pass matched her strong words; she walked the walk and talked the talk! DAISY, YOU ROCK!!
Daisy realized deep in her gut what she knew all along in her head: this was a classic Ozzie manipulation, and she had been unconsciously feeding into it by staying and talking.
Daisy and I both admit we are guilty of giving in to this "feeding frenzy" because there is an underlying fear in some of us moms that says "what if I walk away (like I should), but this time he really does need me?"
The problem is, we are believing the powerful emotions we feel when our kids needle us, rather than trusting the reality of the situation. We are frightened to trust our intellectual knowledge, because our guts are telling us to feel otherwise.
How to get over this? DETACHMENT is the only answer (you can use "Refocus" if "Detach" sounds too harsh).
It isn't easy, it won't come on it's own, we have to WORK at understanding what the kid is actually DOING, and work at understanding ourselves and what triggers our "magical thinking".
As Daisy and I often say to each other "once you see the truth behind the lies and manipulations, once you know what it is really going on, there is no going back!"
Come and join us at one of our PSST meetings. Talk with us, and other parents like us, as well as our professionals (probation officers and counselors) on how to detach, stop enabling and where to get the assistance that you and your child need to solve your behavior / addiction issues.
There is no cost, no registration and no obligation; put a stop to the chaos, confusion and sleepless nights in your home.
Posted by:Max -- Monday, February 28, 2011 6 comments-click to comment
DEA Moves to Emergency Control Synthetic Marijuana - K2 SPICE
Posted by:Rocco--Monday, February 28, 2011
DEA Enacts Emergency Ban on Possession and Use of K2-Spice Type Products
MEDTOX Scientific News Release
On November 24, 2010 the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in a rather swift reaction to the Spice phenomenon emergency listed various chemical iterations of it as a Schedule I substance. This move by DEA puts Spice into a collection of dangerous drugs and narcotics that includes heroin and L.S.D.
Schedule I is also the regulatory home to marijuana and other cannabinoid products.
K2's (Spice) label says that the drug is "not for human consumption."
That admonition has not been followed by what appear to be hundreds of thousands of synthetic cannabinoid Spice experimenters.
The DEA ban includes spice synthetic ingredients. These now banned drugs have been spiked onto plant material that has been sold to the public at large in small packets of smokeable incense.
In a short time, Spice products have generated a great deal of public interest. The synthetic cannabinoids in Spice are powerful agonists of the main THC receptors in the brain.
Following smoking the product, Spice users report a litany of symptoms that range from pleasurable feelings of increased sociability to those of hallucinations, anxiety and profound dysphoria.
Spice is smoked using typical marijuana smoking instruments such as water "bong" pipes and smaller ceramic pipes. The experiences of Spice users can be found on blogs and drug use websites; users of Spice have not been bashful about relating their experiences and assessments of the drugs.
It remains to be seen whether or not DEA's emergency action here will deter the use and abuse of these drugs.
One of the most appealing aspects of Spice products for users was that the synthetic cannabinoids in it were not detectable using traditional THC testing assays.
In response to the explosive use of these drugs, testing laboratories like MEDTOX quickly assembled new tests and protocols that can now accurately spot and identify patterns of Spice abuse in suspected urine samples.
Further research and study of Spice will continue in light of the DEA ban. The DEA regulatory action taken here will last for at least one year.
At MEDTOXwe are committed to providing clients with the services and solutions you need to run a successful drug testing programs. Our news releases are just one way we show that commitment.
MEDTOX Journal
MEDTOX Scientific, Inc.
Copyright by MEDTOX 2010
Posted by:Rocco -- Monday, February 28, 2011 0 comments-click to comment
Thanks to everyone for your support.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Wednesday, February 23, 2011
You know I always thought that when there is a horrible tragedy that there is nothing I can do. It's so horrible, the loss is so great, what can I do? I won't even know what to say. Well, I might not think like that again. Everyone's support helped. Every condolence meant something. And my wife and I much appreciated every act of kindness, every type of support, every person who called or showed, every card, every dish, flowers, everything; and not the least, we appreciated every prayer. -
Kevin will be missed more than words can say.
Words cannot express how devasting this is. The fear of this happening was devasting even before it really happened.
I shy away from turning this into a big lesson because I don't want our loss to be minimized or "text-booked" (as I have a tendency to do with things).
We just wish we could turn back the clock and see Kevin walk back though our door.
Nevertheless, I want to share something. Just because.
Take pictures of the loved one that your are afraid you might someday loose. Take lots of pictures. Leave no family person out of the pictures of the loved one. Take videos. Take lots of videos. If tragedy ever happens you will not have enough of them no matter how many you take, but each one will become so important and irreplaceable. You have no idea.
It would be nice if the act of taking a lot of pictures and videos could in and of itself provide another wakeup call for your loved one. Probably not. Still, you will really want those pictures and videos.
From the bottom of our hearts, thanks so much for all of your concern and for all that you have done to help us through our loss. It does matter and it did help.
In memory:
SCHREIBER KEVIN ANDREWAge 32, sadly on Saturday February 12, 2011 of Carrick. Beloved son of Diane (Lloyd) Woodward and Paul L. (Debbie) Schreiber; grandson of William and Jean (Rostek) Hays; brother of Kenneth (Heather) Grant, Ashley, Nathan, Sarah and James; step-brother of Ryan, Sara and Allison; uncle of Jaiva and Kenneth, Jr; also survived by many aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews and friends.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Wednesday, February 23, 2011 5 comments-click to comment
"Bath Salt" Abuse is a Growing Menace
Posted by:Rocco--Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The staff at MEDTOX believes the problem with "BATH SALTS" warrants a special "Be on the Lookout" advisory.
The MEDTOX Drug Abuse Recognition (DAR) Hotline has been peppered with calls about ingestion and abuse of bath salts over the last several months. The first Hotline calls were fielded in June of 2010; volume hit a peak this month.
Abuse of bath salts and particular strains of powdered plant food has now been reported by a number of media outlets, as well as by state and federal law enforcement agencies. This activity is real and it represents a notable public safety threat. Readers should be sensitive to this substance abuse and be prepared for bad outcomes for some users.
Ivory Wave, Red Dove, and Vanilla Sky are the more common forms of these products. Nominally marketed and sold as bath salts, these substances are not intended for human consumption. These products are nothing more than compounds or mixtures of esoteric designer drugs.
These drugs are powerful mood-altering stimulants that can provoke effects that are not unlike cocaine and methamphetamine.
By sporting a stamp or advisory on their packaging that says "not for human consumption," manufacturers have skirted federal drug control laws.
These drugs have no known medicinal use in the United States. As a result, they would likely fall into DEA Schedule I if they were the subject of regulation and enforcement.
Methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) is a designer drug take-off of the primary ingredient in a plant-based stimulant and acts as a central nervous system stimulant by manipulating transporter systems involving dopamine and norepinephrine.
The drug is alleged to have some modest ability in causing users to feel more social and interactive.
MDPV, on the other hand, is a more brazen stimulant drug. Users of this drug point to powerful energy boosts and activity while high. When taken in larger doses, MDPV can lead to muscle spasm and a dystonia seen with methamphetamine abuse.
As time wears on with an MDPV high, users may begin to engage in meaningless repetitive motions and behaviors. Some high dose users have experienced hallucinations and profound paranoia.
In combination, these drugs can have added stimulant effects:
- Pupils will be dilated, quite possibly so dilated that they could be classified as "rimmed." Reaction to light will be slow.
- Heart rate and Romberg internal clock will be accelerated outside the range of normal.
- Blood pressure and body temperature will be elevated.
- Skin will appear flushed and the mouth will be dry.
- Speech will be fast and thoughts and dialog will jump back and forth between subjects and discussions.
- Because these are both powerful stimulants, there is the potential for seizures and other nervous system disorders, when these drugs are taken.
There is substantial potential for chronic, even addictive, use of these drugs.
Although these drugs are packaged and bear some resemblance to bath salts, they are relatively easy to prepare and ingest to get high. The white bath powders can be snorted or smoked. Preparation of these salts is quite similar to preparation of powdered methamphetamine or cocaine for "snorting."
The length of a high can vary substantially. Experiences so far tend to indicate a rather modest span of effects that last for 3-4 hours. Users report that when a high starts to abate, those effects drop off very quickly.
Afterwards users also report feeling out of sorts, slightly blue, or depressed. This experience is routinely cited by cocaine and methamphetamine users who can often feel wrung out or exhausted following extended periods of use.
4-MMC may also appear as a stand-alone product in certain brands of foreign made plant food. Coming from places such as Russia and Cameroon, these substances are typically packaged in small plastic baggies for individual use.
Like the bath salts, the plant food drugs are ostensibly branded "not for human consumption." But they too are prepared and snorted in a fashion identical to ingestion of cocaine and methamphetamine.
Abusable bath salt products pose a threat to patients and participants in drug court and drug rehabilitation programs. Although technically legal to possess, their use as mind-altering substances will violate terms and conditions of treatment and probationary agreements; use of these drugs may also be a trigger to relapse.
Apart from readers recognizing the physical signs and symptoms of someone who may be abusing 4-MMC and MDPV, there are a number of labs that can provide forensic drug testing services for these substances.
Posted by:Rocco -- Wednesday, February 23, 2011 0 comments-click to comment
Recap of the February 12 PSST Meeting in Wexford
Posted by:Max--Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Recap of the February 12 Meeting in Wexford
Another great meeting in Wexford last Saturday, attended by the usual suspects: from Juvenile probation, Lloyd and Val; From Wesley Spectrum, Kathie T and Jocelyn; and of course, all of our amazing parents!
Our meeting went a bit differently this time. Everyone wanted to share and talk, so we never got around to role plays. Therefore, here is what is going on in the lives of our parents:
Jane is beaming. Son Elroy has been in a court-ordered RTF for a few weeks now. She has had positive conversations with him, and as she said, she is in a "good place". She hopes he takes his treatment seriously.
We all need to remind ourselves: it is very common for the teen, new to treatment to be in a "honeymoon" phase, where things don't seem so terrible, the counselors aren't so bad, and if they are really good, they can get this over with and get out!
Usually this phase will end, and the kid will show his/her true colors at some point. This is actually a good thing. If the treatment team can see what your kid does when he acts up, they will better be able to address the issues. And, if YOU don't believe he is ready to come home because you feel he has not taken treatment seriously, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SAY THIS!!
But I digress. Jane has never looked better - probably because she now sleeps very well at night, knowing Elroy is safe.
Daisy's son Ozzie is in the same court-ordered RTF as Elroy. He is doing very well, dealing with some tough issues. He has finally earned a 24 hour home pass. Daisy is anxious, nervous and excited all at once. Daisy, we too are anxious - anxiously awaiting the story of Ozzie's first home visit!
We know you have the tools and the power to not only get through the weekend, but enjoy Ozzie's company as well!
Violet is grateful. Violet is hopeful. Violet is finally seeing positive returns on her hard work of the prior years. Son Sal has been in college now for 2 months, and doing well. He even asked a girl to a dance! He is conscientious about studying, has been clean every time his PO tests him, and is living a pretty ordinary life for a change. Violet is quick to point out that is "for now"; she is living each day at a time. She also says "last year at this time I didn't know if I would even have a son, and here he is in college, and doing well. I want to give other parents in my situation hope". Vi believes that college gave Sal hope, something to work towards that was positive. Lloyd pointed out that isn't necessarily true for all our kids. But, Violet knows her son, and did what she thought was in his best interest.
Parents, we DO know our kids better than anyone else, and sometimes, you must take that leap of faith. Violet, we are so happy that things are well at this time.
Angela's daughter Samantha is in an RTF. Angela reported that her 12 hour visit went well, and for the first time, Angela feels she finally has her daughter back. Samantha has another 12 hour pass on the day of this meeting, and she sent her husband to have special alone time with her.
Our old PSST friend Posey is back, but not too happy. Son Thor got off probation in November, but recently failed a drug test at his school. He then ran away from home, couch surfing. At the time of this meeting he has been gone one week. Posey, all of our hearts are with you. We all know the pain you feel. We are praying that Thor will be back sooner rather than later, and that you keep coming to PSST to help remind you that YOU are the one in charge and have the tools to stay strong.
We appreciate your sharing Posey. You can always count on us being here for you.
Jessica and Roger decided to take a one month break from son Herman, currently in a court-ordered RTF. Herman has been disrespectful of his parents at each visit (not to mention the havoc he wreaked when he was at home)and they have had enough abuse! Lloyd reports that Herman seems to be doing ok. More importantly Jessica and Roger understand that Herman cannot come home until he changes his tune and learns some appropriate communication skills. The Rabbits are rejuvenating while away from Herman, and trying to focus on each other and their other bunnies at home.
Becky and Tom are thrilled with son Syd's progress. Syd is doing well in his half-way house, has gotten a job at McDonalds ("he LOVES it"!) and will be coming home soon. Becky admits that at first, she thought placement would not be good for Syd. But now she sees it was the best thing for him.
Rose is going through a very tough time with son Joe, who has been in more than one placement. Joe has diagnosis of anxiety and depression that need to be addressed,but he needs to be clean of all substances for a solid period of time before an appropriate therapist can evaluate his needs. Rose brought him out of his half-way house after being clean for several months to attend an NA meeting. Joe got out of the car and went into the meeting. Sadly, he kept on walking right to the corner drug store to purchase cold medicines used for "Robo-tripping". Once Rose got wind of the situation,she took control and not only got Joe into another program, but went to the drug store of Joe's purchase and made sure they knew they sold cold meds to a minor, who was abusing them. Rose, you not only did the right thing here, we ALL should report stores that sell cigarettes, cough syrup, Mucinex, etc to minors. We are the village that are raising our children - we all need to look out for, and report, these irresponsible retailers. The good news is Joe is doing well with his school work that he continues with in his new placement. Even though there was a relapse, it was short lived. Joe appears to have significant clean time under his belt with all of his placements combined. Hopefully his mental health issues will be resolved soon. Rose, Joe is safe now. Please get some rest, have some peace of mind, and keep talking to your PSST friends.
When I first met Maria, it was my very first PSST meeting. She told the group then, as now, that her son Bert was a recovering heroin addict. She was so calm and collected, and had such a pleasant demeanor, that I looked to her in awe. Can a mom who has a son that is a recovering heroin addict really not be hysterical at all times? I didn't understand that detaching from your addicted child is a healthy and necessary process. But Maria's attitude showed me she successfully had done what was necessary not only to save her son, but to save herself as well. And here she is over a year later, with continued good news about Bert; he is still clean, and is going to school to learn to be a Drug and Alcohol counselor. Maria is sad however, that her relationship with Bert isn't what she was hoping for. It seems there is friction from unknown sources (at least to Maria) that make Bert withdraw from her, and not seem to want regular contact. Maria keeps trying new ways to involve her son so they can have a relationship; she recently took him to a sporting event, and they both had a good time. Maria says however, that Bert's being clean and in recovery is the priority; if his relationship with her isn't where she wants it to be at the moment, she is willing to wait. At least he is alive. This mom is healthily detached, and detached with love. For more on this subject seek previous blogs on detachment, or detaching with love. Or, come to Families Anonymous and learn how!
Wilma has written some very poignant blogs lately about her son Bam-Bam. Bam-Bam has some mental health issues that, until he is clean for extended time, will be difficult to decipher. So, Wilma is biding her time while Bam-Bam attends his rehab, has therapy, as well as some home based service. She has several routes she can take; press charges and get him into the juvenile system,or have him court committed in the mental health system. It is a lot to think about, but we here at PSST have nothing but Kudos for Wilma, navigating these systems (especially the insurance quagmire) while keeping an eye on Bam-Bam and his text messages that read "I got that stuff"...she plans to add random drug testing to Bam-Bam's routine.
Jim and Cheryl just received upsetting news about son Andy who is currently doing well in his half-way house. After a bout of stomach problems, Jim and Cheryl took Andy to the ER for some testing. The doctor was concerned to see that 17 year old Andy had the liver of a 40 year old. He has to face up to the fact that his own alcoholism is what caused this. Andy is in shock, but according to Jim and Cheryl , Andy does in fact understand that his liver problems were avoidable and brought on by his addiction. And although it is a serious medical condition, perhaps this shock will keep Andy on the right path. We pray,nonetheless, for Andy's good health and continued recovery. On a positive note, he likes his placement even though Lloyd had predicted "you probably won't like it there".
Bienvenu, Francoise et Brigitte, our new friends. Son Pierre is still going to Gateway IOP, and started seeing positive results. Therefore, they gave Pierre a bit more freedom as a reward. Unfortunately, he failed his weekly drug test. He is now bumped up to Partial. His grades are not good. Francoise and Brigitte are in a holding pattern, waiting to see if a court ordered stint at Gateway YES may be in store for Pierre.
Joan and Melissa are having more problems. Melissa has forged some of Joan's checks. She is facing legal consequences because of this, and was shocked that Joan had no intention of providing her with an attorney. Melissa is staying with friends (that Joan doesn't know)and appears to have no interest in going in-patient to an RTF which Joan believes she needs. Joan is also concerned about possible mental health issues for Melissa. Joan admitted that she has been acting as a "buffer" between Melissa and the outside world consequences. But no more! Joan, everyone at PSST and Families Anonymous are here to help you through this!
Joan brought her good friend Kitty to PSST. Kitty has a son Carlyle who is currently at IOP Gateway. She also has an older son who is a heroin addict who was kicked out of his half-way house and arrested for possession. Is Carlyle going down that same path? Kitty wants to insure that Carlyle have a probation officer until he is 21. Stay with us Kitty, and you will get support and guidance regarding this.
And last for the day, but certainly not ever least, Rocco and Sally; the saga of Cisco continues. At this point in our story (oh, wait, this is real life!Sally, you may want to consider writing a book or a screen play!) Cisco is determined to get off of probation, and his hearing is coming up.
Rocco and Sally are anxious; what if the judge agrees with Cisco?
What if he actually is off probation?
How will they ever have control?
Cisco is clearly not ready for this. He still wishes to contact old friends, he mentioned running away from his current program ("If I ran, would you tell Lloyd?" "of course!").
Rocco and Sally know they may need to stand up in court and announce "Our son still needs the support of a probation officer; we are not comfortable with him being off probation".
They are trying to keep having a good relationship with Cisco and remain a part of his life. But they also realize they may not be able to.
They need to continue to work on detaching with love; love the child, hate the disease, move on with their life, work on themselves and how to make themselves happy and enjoy their life, without letting Cisco and his issues over take them and drag them down.
As a PSST Parent once told us “I never wanted to visit the world of addiction but now that I am here; I will learn all that I can to help myself, my family and my child in our recovery.”
We would all would like to sincerely thank Trinity Lutheran Church for the use of their first class facilities that allows PSST to empower parents who are learning how to help their troubled teenagers.
This is another great example of how Trinity Lutheran has been reaching out and serving Wexford and the northern suburbs since 1845.
Posted by:Max -- Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 comments-click to comment