Quote of the Week

"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Cancelled Sat. Nov. 27th Alliance Meeting And Happy Thanksgiving from Val and Lloyd!
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Thursday, November 22, 2007

This meeting is cancelled due to the holiday weekend.
At this time, Val and I want to take this opportunity to wish all parents everywhere a Very Happy Thanksgiving. We are grateful for all of you who have come out meeting after meeting. You are all making a difference in this world.
Each of us has a lot to be thankful for. Gratitude is an action word. We say it best when we show it. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Help us out by writing your gratitude comments after this post. You may do so anonymously if you choose.

Val and I are thankful for all of you that have made it your business to come out and help the other parents at PSST. In 12-step they say that you have to "give it away, if you are going to keep it." We belive that dynamic is very much alive in PSST. The real pleasure for us is seeing the power of each parent to reach out and empower one another. We know that it is not what either of us do that presents the major power for change in this group. Not at all. It is what you each do with each other. It's our priviledge to be a part of it and to be able to witness the change that is taking place in you all. You are so inspiring. Words fail to express just how lucky we feel to be a part of PSST. Each and every one of you is a true hero!


Anonymous said...

I still feel resentful for much of what my son has put me through with his addiciton. I can not forget the hell that we all have lived with and little things happen every day that cause me to flash back to the horrible things that he put our whole family through. From theft to absenses at graduations, birthdays, and celebrations, we have lived though plenty.

Even now when the family gets together everyone feels like they are walking on egg shells by not being able to relax completely.

For today though I choose to be thankful that he is still alive. I choose to be thankful that for now we are not going through any more of that extremely painful stuff. For today I am thankful that he has brought all of us closer to together in some strange way. I am thankful that he seems to be finally maturing. And I am thankful too that he has helped me and several of the family examine our own relationship with alcohol.
If he doesn't need it to have a good time- maybe we don't either.

I learned recently that it sometimes doesn't happen until our addicts are doing better that the we can even feel all of the the resentments that have built up over the years. Until that happens we are still too involved liveing the truama. Well, if that's true- then I am thankful to be able to feel the resentments.

I am also thankful for the wonderful people that I have met in PSST that have been like my water in a very very thirsty world in which i have lived. Without all this horrible stuff hapening in my life I would have never met and gotten close to any of you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my son. He has shown me through his recovery what a strong and determined person he is. He has shown me that anything is possible! He inspires me. When we sat down to have our Thanksgiving dinner he said what he was grateful for, "I am thankful for every day I have been clean. I am grateful for you Mom, really grateful for having you in my life."

Happy Thanksgiving to all PSST parents & a special thanks to Val & Lloyd. I appreciate all of you very much.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for Allegheny County Juvenile Probation, D&A Unit, Val and Lloyd. Every time you took my kid off the street you saved him from himself , at least temporarily, and that in turn saves a life. We still have our family.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that in the midst of all of the ups and downs that our kids put us through that we have the support of this group so that we can magnify each others joy and maybe lessen each others pain by sharing it and learning from it.



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