We had eight parents attend. Lots of time for updates. While most parents were experiencing positive things, on any given day that might not be the case. I guess that is life. The Steelers had one of the best years in the franchise last season. This year they can't make the playoffs.
The better our teenagers do on probation, in recovery, and in their lives- the more we expect. However, the ebb and tide of the recovery process usually, if we are lucky, gives you two steps forward and one step back. If we aren't lucky, then one step forward and two steps back. In fact, one of the recurring themes in this meeting was that we learn from failure.
Also, sometimes we have to make the same mistakes over and over until we get it. In recovery people talk about "getting sick and tired of being sick and tired."
The positive thing for most of the teenagers of our parents that come to PSST is that when our teenagers make mistakes, they usually don't get away with it. We apply consequences for bad decisions. We allow the natural consequences for bad decisions to take place, refusing to rescue our teens from the predicaments in which their bad judgment or drug abuse has put them. That helps the learning from failure thing to work.
One question that comes up a lot is this: Why, if they knew they would probably get caught, do they do it anyway? And searching for that answer sometimes leads one to surmise this: there must be something bothering them, that if we could just figure out what that is, and sort of fix it, address it, treat it, whatever it, and then they would not relapse.
Let's look a bit closer at this logic. They relapse. Therefore something is broken and needs fixed. "None of the rehab people were able to get my teen to talk about what was really bothering him. If he could talk about what was really bothering him, if someone could just get him to talk about it- he could stay clean." What makes this logic a tough nut to crack, and it is, because I see it time and time again with parents, is that there is some truth to it.
Yes, indeed there are issues galore. No, the teenager had not talked about all the issues. Would it help his recovery if someone could help him talk about all these issues? Certainly. However, in recovery from highly addictive drugs, we must factor in one other huge thing to this logic: EUPHORIA.
The extreme high that the addict feels is such a powerful reinforcer that it can outweigh the certain consequences that will follow. At the time the teen wants to get high, he doesn't care about the consequences because he knows that for a short time he will experience the bliss of drug use. The drive to get high can also be more important than whether or not certain issues have been resolved. So, what are we left with? Are we powerless over our teen's recovery from addiction? Yes, of course. Only our teenager can decide that they want to change their life.
But are we powerless over our own parenting activities? Hopefully not. We can send powerful messages to our teen addict by the actions that we take or fail to take. And sometimes that can help. For example, since we know that recovery from highly addictive drugs happens more often when the addict is working a strong 12-step recovery program, we can devise parent-strategies geared to enhance the recovery process. Can we work our teenager's recovery program for him? Of course not. But if we know that our teenager is not serious about his recovery, we can see the relapse coming down the road. If a parent chooses not to address this- then all one can do is wait for the relapse. Of course we all know how risky that can be. Each relapse is not only devastating in so many ways but each relapse runs the risk of death.
When all else fails, if we are lucky we can insist that our addict at least remain somewhere where they can't hurt themselves- like in an inpatient drug rehab or in a Court placement. The gift of Clean Time- even though it is bought dearly with great cost of emotional pain and financial pain, is sometimes all we can do. Will one more Court placement do it? We do not know. Only time will tell if the "miracle" has happened. With highly addictive drugs, we are really are waiting for a miracle. The good news is that with the gift of Clean Time - we sometimes get it.
Back to the two steps forward and one step back- or heaven help us- the one step forward and two steps back. With success we expect more, but let us not forget to compare our teenager's success, especially during the step-back process, with where our teen would be if we had never provided intervention. Are they more or less healthy? Have they had any success in education? Are they more or less drug free? Do they go though periods when they are really doing quite well in recovery? Have they at least been exposed to the 12-step program so that they know where to turn later in life? Now compare that to the rapid loss of weight, the stolen items sold for drugs, the lies, the sleepless nights not knowing where your teenager is or what he is doing to provide himself with drugs. When we do that comparison, maybe things do not look so bad.
I think the one of the reasons that I'm writing this today- is that our last meeting, the first one of the New Year, was one in which everyone present found some positive focus. One youth, who lived in a halfway house relapsed to Heroin and ran away on New Year's Eve. However, he took a new attitude with him back to inpatient treatment. He seems to feel genuine remorse for what has happened. His mother has never seen that before. Also, we found him by the next day so he could not hurt continue to hurt himself with Heroin. And out of that tragedy his mother found a really strong statement to make to her teenager. She said, “Everyone is working harder on your recovery than you are. Until you are working as hard as everyone else- I am backing off.” What she meant by that was not that she was giving up, but that she was done running out to visit him all the time and trying to make sure that he was comfortable. We could write a separate post (or book) just about what that statement means, because it is so powerful- and yet complicated.
Another teen is coming home after three weeks at Shuman, and he is bringing a new attitude home with him, one that we have not seen yet. It is one of humility and willingness to do what he needs to do to be successful on probation this time. Also, we are trying some supervision approaches that we have not tried with him before, including Electronic Home Monitoring and visual aides to chart his success.
One teen lied about an overnight outing that was approved by parents. However, the girl was found not to be where she was supposed to be. Also, she admitted to drinking alcohol. The parent busted her immediately because of good, strong parental supervision. And for the first time, this teenager complied with all parental sanctions, including no more overnights, without a making a fuss. Historically, this is very rare with this teenager.
One teen quit her job and lied to her parents about it. She might be entering into a difficult phase of her mental health issues as she is beginning to show some signs of emotional difficulties. Ok, but the parent is on to it, applying limits to her behaviors where appropriate and insuring that she receives the proper psychiatric attention. Also, this girl is clean still and working a 12-step program after release from treatment months ago.
Another 20 year-old appears to be putting a strong recovery together after a relapse four months ago. His parents don't think all of his relapses are yet behind him, but for today he is clean, working a program, and attending college from a men's halfway house.
Another youth is now almost three years clean, holding a job and living independently. He is paying his own bills. While his mother is concerned that he is starting to back off on attending 12-step meetings, he still did an outstanding presentation for Probation on 1-8-07 at the Westview Crime watch meeting. He has done public speaking for us before, but this is the strongest message I have ever heard him give. His comments for the teenagers and his message to the parents in the audience were very powerful.
Another teen that lives in a halfway house got fired from his job, has no money to pay his rent, but seems to be still be working a strong recovery program. He has four months clean. And his mother also delivered a strong message at the same Westview Crime watch meeting. Her first-time experience with public speaking was emotional. She said (through tears) that she told herself that she would not cry. It certainly touched parents in the audience. Her message was one of: "pay attention, supervise, drug test, and don't be too sure your child is not involved with drugs. If you find out that they are involved with drugs- ask for help- you are not alone. And if they are involved with drugs, you're going to need all the help you can get." It was very moving- and if she is reading this- thank you so much for being willing to get the word out.
Thank you from both Val and I to all the parents who turned out for this meeting. Often, when I tell people that I am a Probation Officer who works with teenagers with drug problems, I am asked "How can you do that? Isn't that hard? Don't they relapse?" Yes- it can be frustrating. However, having parents like you guys who are willing to fight so valiantly to try to save your teenager's lives- you guys make it all worth while! Val and I have often said that the best part of our jobs is coming to group to meet with your guys! What you do is very inspirational not only for other parents, but for us!
Happy New Year to everyone from Val and I and we wish you all two steps forward in the coming year!
Type rest of the post here
Quote of the Week
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and two-steps forward! (Summary of 1-6-07 meeting.)
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Wednesday, January 10, 2007 0 comments-click to comment
Meeting date and time changes
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Monday, January 08, 2007
We are making some changes about when and at what time we meet. For example, we might dump Monday night meetings in favor of Saturday mornings. Let us know what you think.
For January and February we are changing to first and third Saturday mornings just because both of the scheduled Monday dates fall on holidays. Also, at our next meeting on 1-20-07 (Saturday) we are experimenting changing the time of the meeting from 9:00 AM to 8:00 AM. This would allow us to finish our meeting by 10:30 AM instead of 11:30 AM. Please let us know your opinion of what days and what times we should meet. We are listening. You can post here or call me at 412-247-6365 to register your opinion.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Monday, January 08, 2007 0 comments-click to comment
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Sunday, January 07, 2007
I have had several books recommended to me in the past couple of weeks that I want to share with you. What books have you read that you have found helpful and would like to share with others? Please leave a comment or drop me an email with a full review and I will post it. Note - the links are to Amazon.com. If you buy used books you can get all three of these for less than $10, two of them are less than $1 each. We do not have any financial relationship with Amazon.com.
The first book “70 x 7 and Beyond: Mystery of the Second Chance” by Monty Christensen, Roberta L. Kehle was recommend by a parent at the group this week. She gave it to her child as a Christmas present and said it was well received and served to spark some interesting discussion.
The second book is “Back in Control” by Gregory Bodenhamer. The PSST group has used this book in the past and I was curious about it. The author, a California PO, shares his tips and wisdom for controlling difficult children. His solutions are elegantly simple and easy to put into practice. Worth the read.
The third one is a book that I wish someone had given me when I first learned my child was an addict, “Addictive Thinking” by Dr. Abraham J. Twerski the founder and medical director emeritus of Gateway Rehab. Twerski shares the wisdom he has gained in a way that answers so many questions for parents.
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Sunday, January 07, 2007 1 comments-click to comment
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Friday, December 22, 2006
In order to better understand exactly what hope is, and why we need it, let’s look at words that describe the opposite of hope.
Some that come to mind are: despair, pessimism, discouragement, abandonment, desperation, condemnation, ruin, cynicism, emptiness, disaster, helplessness..... and on and on the list goes. None of the descriptions of the opposite of hope are appealing in any way, and they are especially unappealing if they last for any appreciable length of time. On the other hand, when applying synonyms for the word “hope,” such as confidence, expectation, trust, desire, anticipation, encouragement, cheer, reassurance, and courage, we can appreciate the positives of hope. When looking at “hope” vs. “hopelessness,” it becomes obvious that without hope in the face of adversity, the forces that can lead to our physical and mental destruction can be overwhelming and victorious over us if we are not vigilant against them.
So ok, we agree that having hope is a good thing. We can also agree that without it, we can languish forever in the murkiness of depression and victimhood. But when it is all said and done, “hope” is really just a feeling.....a feeling that what is wanted will happen. Very few positive things ever happen though, just because we “feel” a certain way. Those feelings have to be backed by actions that support the feeling. For example, we can hope that our next vacation will be in Hawaii, in February, basking in 85 degree temperatures on a peaceful beach attached to a posh resort while our friends are all shivering in sub-zero weather. That hope can be a very joyous feeling as we imagine ourselves free of daily pressures and relaxing in an idyllic atmosphere. But for that vacation to actually become a reality, there are a few things we have to do to make it happen, such as save up some money, make airline and hotel reservations, arrange for a rental car, and so on. These steps all support our hope.....and without them, the hope for that great vacation will never materialize.
Likewise, as we all hope for the recovery of our addicted loved ones, there are steps we must take to make sure that our hope is not hollow and without merit. We all know what those steps are.....avoid enabling, end co-dependency, force the addict to face the consequences of his or her choices, move on with our own lives, help other families similarly situated, share experiences with others, support the rehabilitation process, celebrate achievements along the way, and press on....always forward....never backward. Those steps are most often much easier to know and say than to actually do....but absent most or all of these actions, hope doesn’t stand a chance of fulfillment. This is where our “bridge” comes in.
It is difficult to do the things that absolutely have to be done in order to achieve our hoped-for positive outcomes. These requirements are unintuitive, require discipline and stamina, strength and tenacity and they are hard to plan and execute; but they are made easier by the support and encouragement of others who have been forced to make the same sacrifices and exert the same energy toward the realization of their hopes. I contend that “hope” loves company and that misery does not have a monopoly on that principle! The genuine empathy of others, combined with the sharing of plans and events that have been successful, can be a constant reinforcement to the hopes of every member. Our support group also provides a social outlet that helps us overcome the feelings of loneliness, isolation and ostracism that often accompany a family member’s addiction. The group is also a “reality check” for its members, providing programs, speakers, leads, conversation, reinforcement and other stimuli to keep “hope” on track for success.
Hope, then, is in fact, a necessary ingredient in the realization of our true objective: the recovery of our loved one. The natural tendency of any family is to experience the opposite of hope, especially during the earliest phases of the problem. Bridging the abyss of despair, pessimism, discouragement, abandonment, desperation, condemnation, ruin, cynicism, emptiness, disaster, and helplessness to reach the shore of confidence, expectation, trust, desire, anticipation, encouragement, cheer, reassurance, and courage is a necessary and important process, because without that bridge and its resulting rescue from the abyss, we will be able to accomplish nothing, neither for ourselves nor for our loved one. The Bridge To Hope attempts to facilitate this transition week in, week out, year in, and year out. In the same way that a goal is a dream with a plan, HOPE is a wish with substance. Hope is not a destination….the destination is our loved ones’ recovery, achieved by undertaking the difficult tasks and actions that keep hope alive!
Read More......
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Friday, December 22, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
ACT 53 Information for Allegheny County, PA
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Thursday, December 21, 2006
ACT 53 – The Short Version. You can use the legal system to force your child into a drug and alcohol treatment program without it resulting in a criminal record for your child. More details follow but it is fairly easy to do and trained professionals will support you in the process. To get the process started call 412-350-3952.
This is the official overview of the ACT 53 process. More information can be found here.
Allegheny County has multiple systems in place to offer help and guidance to teens, their families and friends. The health and welfare of children and teens has always been a top priority in Allegheny County. The implementation of ACT 53 in 1998 was a new way to offer help to parents of teens who are struggling with drug and alcohol problems. ACT 53 of 1997 addresses the involuntary commitment of minors into drug and alcohol treatment against their will.
ACT 53 Overview
ACT 53 is a groundbreaking law in the state of Pennsylvania. Previous to the enactment of ACT 53 in 1998, there was no method for parents to convince teenagers to receive help for drug and alcohol problems, unless the teens were willing to attend treatment. ACT 53 has bridged this "gap" in our systems and is providing treatment services to many teenagers who would have previously fallen through the proverbial crack.
Each county was assigned the task of setting up its own policy and procedures to implement ACT 53. Allegheny County established a very successful ACT 53 procedure due to an excellent collaboration between Allegheny County Juvenile Court and Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Drug and Alcohol Services Unit.
If a parent/legal guardian feels that their child has a drug or alcohol problem, and the child is unwilling to participate in a treatment program, the parent/legal guardian is to contact the County Drug and Alcohol Services Unit. The parent/legal guardian must be a resident of Allegheny County and the child must be between the ages of 12 and 17. An adolescent care manager will screen the case for its appropriateness and then guide the parent/legal guardian through the ACT 53 process.
The ACT 53 process is completed within four to six weeks. First, the parent(s) should contact the ACT 53 office and discuss their situation with a case manager. Second, the parent/legal guardian will be responsible to attend two court hearings. The first one will be to petition the judge to hear their case and the second court hearing will be the presentation of the parents' case and the placement decision for the minor. A drug and alcohol professional before the second hearing will complete a comprehensive assessment. The assessment, the parents/legal guardian's case, and the child's "side of the story" will all be presented to the court at the second hearing. The child will be assigned legal representation by the court. The parents/legal guardians are permitted to have legal representation, but the law does not require it. The judge will hear both sides of the case, and the drug and alcohol assessment and recommendation. He/She will render a decision for treatment or not based on the evidence presented to the court.
Third, If the child is found in need of treatment, a court order will be written and arrangements will be made for the child's treatment to begin as soon as possible. The law states that the parent/legal guardian is financially responsible to find funding for this child's treatment, whether it is public or private funds. The court accepts no financial liability or custody for this child.
The success of this program is evident in three unique areas. First, we are able to offer treatment services to teenagers who are unable or unwilling to ask for help. Second, the majority of these teens are headed for "the system", becoming either delinquent or dependent. Using the ACT 53 process allows parents and professionals to help these kids before they reach that point. Third, Allegheny County has implemented one of the only successful ACT 53 processes in the state of Pennsylvania. The parental relief found when they know their children are safe in treatment and the success of the teens themselves reflect why this law was enacted, why it is important, and why we must continue to support its processes.
If you would like more information concerning the ACT 53 law, policies or procedures, please contact the Allegheny County Drug and Alcohol Services Unit at 412-350-3952.
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Thursday, December 21, 2006 2 comments-click to comment
Drugs and the brain
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Monday, December 18, 2006
(this was written by Margie Modro, MS,CPS Western Psychiatric Clinic & Institute of UPMC Presbyterian Drake Annex)
Most adults realize that adolescence is a time of transition. What has also been discovered by neuroscientists is that the brain of adolescents are less developed than previously believed. Adolescence is literally a time when a child is becoming , but is not yet, an adult. These discoveries have many implications for the use of alcohol and other drugs during this developmental period. The more parents understand what is happening during this critical period of brain development, the better they will be able to respond to the needs of their children.
There is lots of information available to help parents become better informed. A good starting point is Bringing the Power of Science to Bear on Drug Abuse and Addiction from the NIDA web site. An excerpt from the full article follows....
". . .This is how the memory of drugs works: The yellow area on the upper part of the second image is the amygdala (a-mig-duh-luh), a part of the brain’s limbic system, which is critical for memory and responsible for evoking emotions. For an addict, when a drug craving occurs, the amygdala becomes active and a craving for cocaine is triggered.
So if it’s the middle of the night, raining, snowing, it doesn’t matter. This craving demands the drug immediately. Rational thoughts are dismissed by the uncontrollable desire for drugs. At this point, a basic change has occurred in the brain. The person is no longer in control. This changed brain makes it almost impossible for drug addicts to stay drug-free without professional help. Because addiction is a brain disease.. . "
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Monday, December 18, 2006 2 comments-click to comment
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Thursday, December 14, 2006
(This was written by John Clayton a member of the Bridge to Hope Family Support Group. The group meets 7 PM every Wednesday in the Donor Hall Conference Room at UPMC Passavant Hospital - all are welcome)
It was just another Monday evening after a hard day at work. Dinner was over and it was time to take a look at today’s newspaper and spend a little quiet time in “decompression mode.” There were all the usual national headlines and stories, a piece on road construction and when we might get some relief from it, re-caps of yesterday’s sports events, the editorials, the comics and local news. It was the local news that caught my attention that evening.
Yet another 19-year-old had been brutally murdered in his car in one of the more dangerous local neighborhoods. Police who were investigating the scene reported that numerous traces of drugs and paraphernalia were found in the vehicle and speculated to the reporter that the murder had all the earmarks of a drug deal gone bad or possibly that the victim had defaulted on a drug debt. In looking into the victim’s background, speaking with former classmates and neighbors, the reporter learned that the victim did indeed have a drug problem and it had been manifest since the age of fourteen.
I remember saying to myself, “What a tragedy…..19 years old, and life is over for this poor soul. What pain must the victim have suffered during that 5-year period and what pain must have been felt by the family.” I also remember saying to myself, “Thank God it wasn’t my son who died.”
After reading that jolting news and internalizing my reaction to it, I wrapped up my evening and went to bed and didn’t think much more about the story until a couple of days later, when in the “letters to the editor” section, there appeared a letter from a subscriber that was titled “Where Were The Parents?” The body of the letter took on an indignant but sincere tone as it expressed outrage and anger that the parents of this pitiful victim could have “let it happen,” the “it” being drug addiction. Although the letter’s primary question showed ignorance of the problem, it was a reasonable and understandable question to ask if the writer had never been confronted with the challenges of an addicted family member. As far as I know, no one ever responded to that rhetorical question. Here is the response I should have sent in to the paper:
“Where were the parents?” you ask. Let me tell you from personal experience where the parents were and how they “let it happen.”
They were both there in the delivery room that exciting day 19 years ago. Not only were the parents there, but also both sets of grandparents and a number of jubilant aunts, uncles and friends. The birth of that bouncing baby was heralded by the new parents as the high point of their lives as they rejoiced in the miracle that was that child.
Where were the parents? They were there when the baby needed food and shelter. They were there when the baby needed love, attention and care. They were prepared to sacrifice anything to assure that their child had the necessities of life and more.
They were there with camera in hand on the very first day of school. They were sad/happy as they watched their little tyke ascend the steps of the school bus and wave from inside. They were also there at the end of that day to greet their rapidly growing child and share the excitement and wonder of this new stage of life. This same enthusiasm for supporting their child/student continued throughout elementary and middle school. They were there to help with homework, to give advice on “pressing” social issues, to condemn disrespectful, violent and profane music and videos. They were there to celebrate successes and to counsel and coach in areas where help was needed. They shared the “heartbreak” of the first failed romance and provided positive reinforcement for every productive accomplishment. They encouraged independent thought and the questioning of things “as they are” as opposed to how they “might be.” Further, they exposed their child to music lessons, basketball camp, and other extra-curricular activities to enable discovery of any hidden or obvious talent. And yes, they spoiled their child too…by buying the “right” brand of clothes, the latest video system, the “best” games, a cool stereo system, a portable CD player….the “necessities” of teenage life. Yes, the parents were there for all of that.
They were also there the day a little plastic bag with grains of marijuana in the bottom was discovered on the floor of their child’s room. There was an almost immediate denial of the obvious….this situation CAN’T be what it appears to be. Our child just wouldn’t do this. When the confrontation occurred, the child’s denial of any knowledge of how that bag got where it was found satisfied the parents because it confirmed their strong belief in their child. And then there was the next bag. And the bag after that. And then the pills. And then the alcohol. After each discovery, the truth became more ominous, the reality of the situation more undeniable and the resulting discipline more severe.
The parents were there that day in the high school guidance counselor’s office when the first discussion of poor attendance and declining grades occurred. They were there to double their efforts helping their child to turn things around, to make a commitment to improvement and to get assurance from their child that changes would be made. All of the normal discipline was intensified….withholding privileges, removal of video games from the house, denial of use of the stereo, no TV, and “grounding.”
The parents were also there at the school a few weeks later when it became clear that their efforts had been futile and that their child needed in-patient rehabilitation. The trip to the school that day to sign the withdrawal papers was as onerous and sad as attending a funeral, but it was necessary and critical to saving the child’s life. They expressed their contempt for the lifestyle their child had adopted but reinforced their love and hope as they traveled the 85 miles to the rehab facility…and traveled it again every weekend over the next four weeks for visits.
Those four weeks of “clean time” and counseling really seemed to make a difference. The child came home with a fresh outlook and a determination to “get better.” Faithful attendance in night classes at the local community college, a resulting high score on the GED test, and the awarding of a state-certified high school diploma all added to the sense of direction and accomplishment. Narcotics Anonymous meetings, a sponsor, a job and a purpose all seemed to be converging to bring closure to this horrible chapter in the parents’ and the child’s lives. Love, hope, encouragement, support and celebration were the order of the day as things started to return to “normal.”
The parents were also there when the relapses began. They were there to help their child attend weekly appointments with a psychologist. Although disappointed and yes, even discouraged, they were there with more support, love, and understanding, while never giving up or losing hope. In this stage of reinforcement of the principles that had been counseled in the rehabilitation center and by the psychologist, the clean time lasted nearly two years and it looked like the crisis might really be over this time.
They were also there that day, after two years of relative peace, when once again money was missing from their home along with the home theater, digital camera, and jewelry. They were also there that day to observe the needle tracks on their child’s arms from heroin usage after rescuing him from a “crack” house. It seemed like the end of life itself.
Where were the parents? They were there the entire time, doing what parents do. They went to work, went shopping, took an occasional vacation, pursued some of their own interests, but through it all, they NEVER lost sight of their primary responsibility: raising their child to be a responsible citizen. They supervised their child’s development as attentively and competently as anyone could expect, and they did it ungrudgingly; in fact, enthusiastically. Nonetheless, the addiction occurred, the consequences were paid, and the struggle continued.
The next time you read about someone of any age, who was involved in a drug-related episode, please don’t immediately assume that there were negligent parents responsible for the outcome. Our son, who recently graduated from the Teen Challenge one-year faith-based substance abuse recovery program and who is about to turn 22, has given testimony in front of large crowds in churches all over the country, and to us directly, that it was NOT his parents’ fault…that the choices he made were his and his alone. Today, he is once again back on track, for which we are VERY thankful. But our vigilance in fulfilling our parental obligation is not over….it will be with us for as long as we live.
The typical parent of an addict looks and acts just like the typical parent of a child without this problem, with hopes, dreams and aspirations and a commitment to help their child achieve his or her full potential in life. The parents of addicts are our friends, our neighbors, members of our church, colleagues at work and regular folks with whom we interact every day. They are no different than any other parent….except for the challenge they courageously face every day and the tenacity with which they confront it.
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Thursday, December 14, 2006 2 comments-click to comment
Parent Stories – Wanted
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Tuesday, December 12, 2006
This is your opportunity to share your story with others. Share something you learned. Share something that helped. Share something that you did wrong. Share your thoughts.
If you email the story to me at kene@nauticom.net I will post it for you anonymously. If you would rather post it yourself with some contact information and be listed as a contributor on the blog we can do that as well – just let me know.
Here are some ideas for stories that are just waiting to be written that would be helpful to parents who are new to this.
1. What is it like when your child is on probation?
2. What is it like when your child is in a rehab facility?
3. What is it like when your child is in Shuman?
4. What is it like when your child is in Abraxas?
5. What is it like when your child comes home from a placement?
6. What are the top 10 things you did to help your child that seem to have worked.
7. Why do you go to NARANON meetings?
8. What are some practical things you can do to help your child?
If you don’t want to write a story, what would you want to find on the blog that would help you right now. Leave a comment.
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
Parent vs. Parent
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Saturday, December 09, 2006
One of the strategies of teenagers vying for power in the family is to divide and conquer. Often in group we have pointed out how important it is for parents to stand unified. To back each other up. To include each other as much as possible in the decision making. To take the disagreements to a place where teens can not hear the two parents working out their differences. Mom: I have some bad news honey. Son: What? Mom: I know that you very much wanted to spend the weekend with your father, but the way things are right now- we can't do that. Son: Why not? You hate dad! You never want me to be around him! You made him leave us in the first place cause you are such an idiot! Mom: Well it hurts me that you think so. Nevertheless, you can't go to see him this weekend. Son: You haven't told me why though have you? Cause you hate him and you're just jealous that he has a new girlfriend whose is younger than you are! Mom: You're absolutely right about something honey. Good point. I have not told you why you can't visit. And as long as you treat me disrespectfully I won't bother to explain anything. Son: You can't do that! Mom: Regardless Son: I'll go anyway. Mom: It's not acceptable. Son: Why? I hate you! Mom: Nevertheless, this is non-negotiable. Son: What are you going to do, turn me into my PO if I go? Mom: Of course I talk with your PO all the time. You know I won't lie for you. Son: What am I supposed to tell dad? Mom: Have him call me. [Walks away.] PHONE CALL BETWEEN MOM ANS DAD LATER (teenager is not around.) Mom: Hello Dad: What's this sh*t about you trying keep me away from my son again? Mom: Yes, I'm not surprised that it looks that way to you. Dad: Well that's what it is. Mom: Do you want to discuss this now? Is this a good time? Dad: Yes of course I want to discuss it now- that's a stupid question. You are so full of yourself. So self- righteous. Like you know what's best for everyone all the time. Mom: Well now is good for me too, but I have to tell you something first and you not going to like it. Dad: I never like what you have to say. That's why I try to avoid you at all costs. Mom: Fine. But you seem to want to talk to me know. So listen up- ok? I'm not going to feel like repeating this. Dad: Go ahead Mom: I won't discuss this with you if you are going to attack me or treat me disrespectfully. If that happens again in this conversation, then I'm hanging up. I have to tell you that I've been making some changes around here and if you can talk about this in a fairly decent fashion, I would like to share some things with you. Dad: I'm listening. Mom: It's ok that we don't see eye-to-eye about things. And I do want you to visit your son- God knows- I could use a break. But it IS NOT in my job description as your son's mother to any longer accept being verbally abused by you or by your son. So, if YOU need to speak to me about anything- you have to do it in a respectful way. And if you want to give your son a tip- tell him that the party's over- from now on he will not get his way by ranting and raving. In the past I gave into him just to keep the peace. Not any more. Dad: Ok, what else? (sounds exasperated.) Mom: He can't stay overnight at anyone's house anymore. It's not just your house. It is not permitted by his Probation Officer and I agree with that completely. Dad: That's ridiculous. I'm his father. Mom: Because you are his father, an exception CAN be made that he can stay at your house- but not anyone else's house. And he can only stay at your house if you contact his Probation Officer and let him knows that you agree with and will follow his Conditions of Supervision. I have a copy here that I can email you if you want, and I have his Probation Officer's name and number here. He said that he would like to talk with you. Dad: I don't have time to deal with this guy. You tell him I'll look the thing over, and that's it's OK that I take him this weekend, OK? Mom: Sorry, I know that you are busy, but I can't do that. Dad: I'm not getting involved with these government types. They are assh*oles. They don't care about our son- they are just cops! Mom: Nevertheless, that is the only way. But I am disappointed. Dad: Why is that? Mom: Because I think it would be good for him to spend some time with you. I know he misses you. You are very important to him. Dad: Well, why is this contact with his PO so god dammed important. (The tone of his voice is calming a bit now.) Mom: Because he has a life-threatening disease of Heroin addiciton and we are trying to keep him clean and positive about his recovery. You know, so that he doesn't have to get sent away again and so that he stays alive. That's why the rules are so strict around here, and we need to know that they will be strict at your house too. Dad: Ok, ok, ok. I'll call this guy. But I hold you responsible for all this bull shyt, and if you had done what I told you to do years ago, he wouldn't be on Heroin. You know that dont' you? Mom: Yes I know that you think that his drug addiction is all my fault. Nevertheless, here is the PO's name and phone number- do you have a pencil?
Sometimes it is important to support the other parent even when you disagree. Always, a compromise should be looked for so that both parents can feel ownership with the approach. But what happens when parents are separated or divorced, and as is often the case, there is tremendous animosity between them?
The whole thing can get very complicated. For one, the teenager who is trying to continue his addictive lifestyle will naturally play one parent against the other. He will be aware of the tensions and resentments being played out. In fact, as both parents desire to win his approval, playing one parent against the other will bring him more and more power.
And secondly, the teenager is probably going to side with the parent who is most enabling of him in his addiction. The one that most wants to rescue him from the consequences of his addiction is naturally going to be the teen-favorite. Sometimes, but not always, the enabling parent has a relationship with substances too. Therefore, he or she minimizes the seriousness life-threatening nature of the teenager's addiction. Often, there is a whole lot of drama and finer-pointing. Through it all, the teenage drug addict wants the focus to be on the parents, not on him. When parents verbally attack each other, the trap has been sprung.
I hope that a few rules or points to keep in mind will be helpful, especially for estranged parents. Some of the readers might be thinking, "Oh that's great- make some rules- but my ex-spouse won't be reading this blog, or playing by the 'rules' -so what then?" Good question. These are rules that when observed, should STRENGTHEN a parent's position- not the other way around.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Saturday, December 09, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
Summary of 12-2-06 Meeting
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Sunday, December 03, 2006
We had a small intimate meeting with six parents. We started the meeting off with role-plays. The subject was getting your teen out of bed in the morning. Especially, if your teenager is actively questioning your parental authority, it is very important to establish yourself as Parent-in-charge by making sure that he is out of bed at the prearranged time.
We had fun with a different kind of role-play that featured God talking to two parents. No offense was meant towards any one's spiritual beliefs. The following is not an exact representation of the role-play, in fact, I added some extra stuff. Anyway, something similar actually happened in Group.
God: Well, you guys called this meeting. What is up?
First Mom: Well, why did you make this parenting job so hard?
God: Ahhh, it is almost impossible sometimes, isn't it? I mean, supervising kids who are doing drugs is sooooo hard. How do you make sure they aren't out getting high, or associating with the wrong people? You aren't with them all the time, are you? That seems to be the problem.
Second Mom: Yeah, you made this job really hard.
First Mom: Why the hell did you even make me a parent?
God: Now, now now [wagging finger] let's watch that language.
First Mom: [smiling] Oooh, OK, why the heck, did you even make me a parent?
God: Well, I designed it as a volunteer position.
First Mom: Well, things happen that you don't really plan for.
God: Yes, that is true.
Second Mom: Well, why did you make it so impossible to supervise our kids, especially when they have a drug problem?
God: Yes, well that is a good question. I'm not sure this answer will make sense to you, but sometimes things are hard. That is pretty much the way I designed this whole "free choice" thing.
God: But one thing I will say, is I knew when i designed this job, that it would be tremendously difficult for some. So, I programmed in some special features that can make the job easier.
Second mom: Yeah? Pray tell?
God: Well, since you put it that way! You see, the problem with a lot of it, is that you are not with your teenagers all the time. You can't be. So, since you are not there with them, and they have the "free-choice" thing too, it is very difficult to guide them. So, to help you assume your rightful place as Parent-in-charge, I designed a few quick methods. The idea is that once your teenager accepts that you are "in-charge," then they will not question you so much on a lot of these other hard-to-supervise issues.
God: For example, while you can not be with your teenager all the time, you ARE there when they get out of bed. And getting someone out of bed is the easiest of all the parent responsibilities.
First mom: How is that easy? I have a really hard time getting mine out of bed.
God: Oh, well I designed it to be easy. You see, they are ASLEEP, and when i designed "sleep" I made sure to make the person who is sleeping HELPLESS. So, if they are asleep, then you are only limited by your own willpower and your own imagination as to when they will get out of bed.
First mom: But they wake up mad!
God: Exactly! An angry person cannot sleep! Therefore, you have gotten them out of the bed and established your parental authority. Now, if you do that consistently, then you will have established yourself as Parent-in-charge, and your teenager, angry as he/she is, will "tend" to follow your other parental expectations.
God: If, on the other hand, you can't get them out of bed, or if you struggle with taking an hour to "coax" them out of bed, then your teenager has established himself as "Teenager-in-charge." Quite naturally, if your teenager sees that you can't even get him out of bed, then he will assume that you can't manage them in the trickier areas.
God: Also, there are other "easy ways" that I have programmed into this job, just so that you can establish your position as Parent-in-charge. For example, you have the magic word "No." It works in many situations, and you should get a lot of mileage out of that word. Watch out for that one though- if you feel you have to give a good reason for each time you use it- it gets weaker.
God: "Nevertheless" and "regardless" are other magic words that can really pay off. Part of the magic that i built into these words is that the more you use them, the more power they tend to assume. If you take advantage of these simple "quick methods," you will find that you have more power than you had before.
Second mom: Just how are we to get them out of bed?
God: Different approaches will work, as long as you are clear and consist. For example, let them know what time you will give the first warning call. Let them know that there will only be one warning, or you insist, only two warnings. Tell them what time you will make it impossible for them to sleep. You do not have to tell them the exact method that you will use, e.g., water, or just stripping the bed of bedclothes, loud music playing or whatever. But you can tell them if you want. It is pretty much impossible to sleep through a cup of water on the face.
God: Then, the hard part, is FOLLOW THROUGH. Of course you teenager will be angry. So? That is the price you pay to be the Parent-in-charge. Let them know, however, that any assault will be reported to Probation Officer and/or the police. In fact, if you have a Probation Officer, make sure to include him/her in on this plan. Working closely with the Probation Officer always makes your position stronger. Come to think of it, I had the idea for making Probation Officers right after I realized how difficult this parent job could be. I said to myself, "you know this is going to be really hard for some parents, and I'm going to have to send in back-up." So, that's how it all came about.
Well, I hope everyone had fun with this ice-breaker role-play. Next, we did a role-play where the mom was setting the stage to get her teenager out of bed. She was clear with him about what time he would "find it impossible to sleep." She also told her teenager that he would get up on Saturdays, for a while, as well as Monday through Friday. Of course, the teenager was incensed by this idea and pointed out that he did not go to school on Saturdays. The mother pointed out that he would get up NEVERTHELESS, simply because she wanted him to get up. Chores for example, needed done.
Well, lets go back to the whole point of getting your teenager out of bed at a particular time. If the main goal is to establish that you are "Parent-in-charge" then seizing Saturday is a coup d’État for the parent. It's clear that he is getting out of bed at the predetermined time, because the parent says so. Also, if the teenager is already out of bed when the parent goes into grant the first warning call, a special reward may be in order, because this demonstrates that they can get themselves up now, quite an accomplishment for a teenager.
It's always important when we talk about the Power thing to remember that power can also be corrupting. Keep the relationship healthy by giving lots of positive encouragement and accepting that your teenagers have their own feelings and while they may make wrong choices, they don't have wrong feelings. This is the double edge of parenting- once you establish a little power, show some generosity in other areas. Be supportive. Be fun to be around. Be creative with compliments, make a favorite breakfast for the teenager, and let him "win" in some other areas. But darn it, get those young men and women out of bed and on schedule in the morning.
One parent shared this story. Her son is in a half way house for men. He planned a trip home, one in which the mom had to pick him up and transport, so that he could hang out with a peer with whom he used to shoot heroin. This mother questioned him as to why he thought that it was ok to hang out with this old recovering peer. This interaction went something like this:
Mom: Why would you think that its ok to hang with John?
Son: Hes in recovery now.
Mom: But you used with him.
Son: That doesn't matter.
Mom: You said it mattered when you said it would be bad to hang with Frank. What makes John different?
Son: I said it would be bad to live with Frank, not to hang with him. All i want to do is hang with John:
Mom: No I don't think that is right. You are both triggers for each other.
Son: You put me in this house and its full of heroin addicts!
Mom: But you didn't use with those addicts.
Son: I don't see the differnece. You know, if you wont' let me do anything I want, then why am I even workin so hard to stay clean?
Mom: It sounds like your recovery is hangin by a thread today, son.
Son: You just make me mad is all, and that makes it hard for me to stay clean.
Mom: I'll come out there and visit you if you want.
Son: No, if I can't come home and hang with John, just forget it!
Mom: OK
Then, mom follows up by calling the house manager and sharing the above. The manager confronts the son and the other people in the house confront him. In fact, hangin with people that you used with early in recovery is not recommended, even if both of you are in recovery now. This young man has ten months clean, but the "Mom-count" is less than a month, because he has been in placement for nine months.) Later in recovery, it may be acceptable to hang with people with whom you used.
The son calls the mother and admits that he was wrong. He asks that she still come down for a visit. Hats off to this astute mother. She used the "no" word as discussed above with good results. She also identified this as NOT ENABLING her son. Further, she called the house manager so that this issue could be aired out. Remember, our secrets keep us sick. If we keep the secrets for our teenagers then we enable them to remain sick. Put some light on these issues by disclosing to someone.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Sunday, December 03, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
Welcome to the experiment
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Sunday, December 03, 2006
The PSST met yesterday and decided to give this blog a try on a voluntary basis. A few guidelines to remember:
1. You should manage your own profile to disclose as much or little about yourself as you are comfortable with.
2. Do not use real names in your comments
OK, kick the tires, give it a try. You can leave comments after any post. Try leaving some here to test if you like.
If you would like to be on the blog editing team just drop me an email.
Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Sunday, December 03, 2006 2 comments-click to comment
Summary of 11-20-06 Meeting
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward--Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We met last night with ten parents and two group leaders. What a positive meeting overall!!! Many of our teenagers are doing pretty good at the moment, drug-free and leading fairly responsible lives! Some of the reports of our teens in adult halfway houses is mixed, some still struggling, but taking it one day at time and not doing so badly! Some reports were more spectacular. One story in particular involved a young lady on probation who is taking her recovery very seriously. She had an accident with the car while she was driving herself and some friends to a 12-step meeting. She was teenage-naive about some factors, like where was the car being towed and would it be fixed? But it was a clean experience and in a surprising twist of expectations, the police offered to drive her and her friends to the 12-step meeting. So the small group of teens got a police escort to the 12-step meeting!
We had fun with a role-play at the end of the meeting. I asked a parent play her teenage son who is placed in a long term drug treatment facility. I played the mother and she played herself. He told me (as the mother) that it was my fault and "that Probation Officer's fault," that he was sent to Abraxas. I said I was speechless. Everyone seemed to get a kick out of that and some commented that it isn't often that you have Lloyd speechless. Of course, I was not really. The rest of the role-play went something like this:
Mother (me): Thank you. Thank you very much for saying that- but you know I can't take all the CREDIT. But yes, I stood up in court and told the judge a lot- and I get some of the credit for you being sent to Abraxas. You are right there. Good point, Son.
Teen (the mother playing her son): Thanks a lot mom! (facetiously said of course.)
Mother (me): "Oh honey, you ain't seen nothing yet. I want you to stay at Abraxas as long as it takes for you to change yourself, so that you don't kill yourself when you get out. And believe me, I will do everything in my power to see that you have a chance to beat this drug thing. WATever I have to do, including standing up in court again, and telling the judge that you are not ready to be discharged, if that is what I think will help you save your life. You see Son, whether you try or not, I am going to try to help you save your own life!"
Teen (the mother playing her son): [Glares] "Why do you have to care so much mom? Why can't you just back off?
Long pause with eye contact.
Mother (me): [ softly but moving in with the body language..."honey, you could never, never, never, never ever understand- because you can never give birth to a child!
I guess for me to say that, being a male, playing a mother must have been funny, because people laughed. I didn't mean it disrespectfully towards men, but I knew from talking with mothers, including my wife, that there is this thing often, that if one does not know how it feels to give birth to a child, that you could never understand the connection between a mother and her child. And that is true- being a man- I will never know that. Although, I also know that my son-in-law is a stay-at-home Dad and loving it. He has become the main caretaker of my grandaughter and he might argue the closeness thing. So, I think I said it just to let the mothers know- "hey I can understand it enough to at least admit that I can never understand it."
The main point of the role-play, however, was not the gender thing. Look, when our teens blame us for stuff that we did play a part in, like saving their lives for example, perhaps by some heroic act that took a great deal of courage, like calling the police or standing up in Court and telling the Judge that your teenager needs to be placed in treatment for as long as possible- don't forget to take some of the credit. You got it coming.
Sometimes we are trying to argue that WE DIDN'T do it. They got themselves put away, and while that is true on one level, we also had something to do with it. Also, when we deny our role in the whole thing it misses that chance to...
(1) model "accepting responsibility." After all, they learn that often by watching us. What can we fess up to? How would we react if our teen got arrested for a Burglary and they said, "I didn't really do it- I was just the lookout. I never entered the building. I didn't steal anything." Well, OK, but gee, you burglarized the house just the same- that's what we would say. Partial culpability is still culpability.
(2) denying that you had anything to do with your child's placement outside the home in a drug treatment facility is counterproductive in the sense that the teen is saying (if you read between the lines): "You were powerful enough to have me sent up here!" Often the reply from the parent is "No, I'm not that powerful." But wait! We need to take this and turn it around and say, "Well, I'm glad YOU think so! Yes, I try, and I'm getting stronger too!"
Another point that came up at the meeting is about Powerlessness. It is a concept from step 1 of 12-step programs. In Naranon and Alanon this point is hit home repeatedly. One parent brought up an idea expressed by a local guru of recovery, that God is at all the meetings because he is working on Powerlessness too. That seems to be the whole point of Free Will. I love that analogy and it does gives pause for thought.
For example, it seems contradictory to say that parents are powerless, because parents are not powerless over their teens completely. That is the also the whole point of Back In Control programs like ours. To me it boils down to this. We are powerless over the decisions that our teens make, including whether or not they are going to get high. They, and they alone will make their choices. However, we are not powerless over our own decisions, and that includes those parenting choices that we make. So, while it is true that we can not control anyone else, it is also true that we all influence each other.
Where this becomes a problem is if a parent says that he is powerless, so he does nothing but stand by and watch his son or daughter kill themselves with drugs. That is a misunderstanding of who he is powerless over. He is powerless over the choices that his teen makes; he isn't powerless over his own parenting choices. Big difference.
If indeed the only person we can truly change is our self, and the rest of the people we can at best influence, then we need to do our best to change our self and our parenting choices in the way that maximizes our influence over our teenagers. After we do that, then we wait and see. Sometimes we get lucky and sometimes we don't. But it's better than doing nothing. And when it's time to look ourselves in the mirror- it should count for something and mean something that we gave it the good fight.
Thanks to everyone who made last night a great meeting. Please keep coming back to support us in this life and death struggle.
Posted by:Lloyd Woodward -- Tuesday, November 21, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
Use your Probation Officer
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Make sure your child knows beyond any doubt that you will call the PO as needed, when needed everytime. No secrets from the PO. Make sure you keep the power in the situation by letting your child know that you will use the PO to make sure that your child gets the support and help he needs to stay safe and drug free. In other words, it is not "wait till your father gets home" with the PO but the parent controlling the situation and using the PO as a tool to have their will done.
Read More......Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Tuesday, November 21, 2006 0 comments-click to comment
New Sheriff in town
Posted by:Ken Sutton--Tuesday, November 21, 2006
When your child is in placement use the opportunity to show him that things will be different when he gets home. Tell him. So what if he gets mad. What is he going to do? It may result in a bad visit or a short phone call but you are putting him on notice that things have changed and you are in charge.
Read More......Posted by:Ken Sutton -- Tuesday, November 21, 2006 0 comments-click to comment